Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy No Work Day

So what did you do with your "gimme" day, you know the "holiday falls on the weekend therefore you get the Friday before off" day.....?

Besides cleaning my entire house (geez, 10 hours later and you can't tell at all), shopping for the holiday party tomorrow, I did the playday thing. Duchess went to play and I got Princess' best friend (same family peeps, that is totally the way to roll!).

So I took advantage of having two 10 year olds...... see once upon a time I was nuts about softball. Once upon a time, I played a mean second base. Once upon a time, I could windmill your arse!

So when the kids mentioned in passing that they'd like to play one day, I dug up the old equipment and off we went.

(except I was in cleaning clothes so one word about the way I look in my most unflattering outfit and I'm stalking you)

Can you please tell me if that isn't the purtiest background for a game ever? And yes *M* is wearing a skirt. These girls are all about the fashionable look, even to sweat in. Wish they'd rub off on me.

Little hams. Turns out neither one of them were very versed in "ball". So we started at the beginning.......batting stances, proper swing techniques, how to throw a freaking ball.....the usual.

Don't worry, I corrected this immediately! Her stance was waaaaaaaay too wide.

Here Princess is showing her from the outfield how to do it, lol. They totally crack me up.

No words.
Well Princess got the bug. So we had to set up the pitch back cause noone has the patience to throw a ball for several hours straight. (okay, I don't)

Is it me or is this kid seriously growing? Dang, she's so tall!!!!!!!!!! And getting the hang of actually catching the ball and throwing it correctly. Hopefully, maybe, she'll be as obsessed as I once was.

P.S. Does anyone else have a yellow rubber chicken in their yard?

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 8:44 PM

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Good job princess. I'm proud of you and your mommy for finding stuff to do outside.

Posted by Blogger Dave @ 9:46 AM, July 05, 2009 #

I knew there was a reason I liked you so much! Once upon a time, softball was MY LIFE! Pitcher and second base, baby!

My own princess...well...after three years of softball, she's done. Chose soccer instead. Broke her mother's heart. ;-)

Posted by Blogger Tuna Girl @ 11:50 PM, July 05, 2009 #
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