Monday, February 09, 2009
I'm ripping the bandaid off slowly........The Man "resigned from his post" today. Seriously that is what he told them when he turned in his resignation and they told him that he didn't have to come back (cause they be cool like that). So bye bye fabrication lab that made my man wear spaceman suits and work 12 hour shifts. Bye Bye to a job that he was completely over.The Man has taken a job in Texas. He starts next week.
He'll be working outdoors doing what he loves and mixing hard labor with brain power. Plus it's in Texas (insert corney Texas song here) cause he freaking loves Texas and misses our time there.
One slight problem.........
The kids and I will be here in Utah.
Cause we bought a house and the market dropped. Cause I have a good job and the kids have school. Cause after four months, they will move than likely reassign him to another state, so we're sitting this move out.
And while I hide in the closet and cry cause after leaving the military I never thought I would have to do this again, I have it nothing like The Man right now.
The final decision was made last night. He typed up his letter and took it in this morning. Two hours later, he was unemployed (amazing how fast you can get that way) with his former lead asking him to holler if there were any more openings at the new company.
He immediately drove to the school and removed our kids from class and took them to Taco Bell where he had a heart to heart. They didn't shed a tear. I'm so proud of my little military brats, they are well trained in the art of separation and moving.
And he is already scheduling flights home to visit.
We can do this. Not only to get out of Utah and back to the livestyle that we want to raise the girls in, but because this is exactly where he wants and needs to be career wise.
And cause he's my stud muffin and I follow his lead. He leads us well.
So peeps, from time to time, check in on me as I might wind up blogging from the depths of my closet on long dark nights, lol. But then again, as usual, I'll be fine. Cause you know, when he is gone, it's my way all the time. I kinda like that. Plus I get to laugh and joke with him all day via email and phone calls and that really brightens things up!
Labels: Eternal Job Hunt, family smamily
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OMG! I can't believe it! We'll be praying for you guys. All of you. If this is what he needs to do you are the strongest woman I know to stand behind him and support him. & maybe they'll relocate to FLORIDA!!!! ps. we need to catch up, it's been a long time missy!!
I'm not sure what to say. I'm both sorry and happy for you! We're facing the same type of decisions here so I feel how it can be both a relief and sad.
We'll keep you in our thoughts. But I know you're strong and you'll pull through this all better off than before.
Now Girl you know you can do this. You and The Man have come along ways together and you will come threw this as strong as ever....cause that's just what you do. .... any postings in Canada by chance? ;) .... besides nothing beats the reuniting.... and you get to do that over and over and over again ;).... I see a move from OOTah very shortly.... to a place much more desired for both of you. God will provide for you ... He always has. Love you chickee!
As long as you are happy, I am happy for you. Things are tough on everyone these days. It sounds like you have a good handle on everything even with him being so far away.
Hopefully you can all be together again soon. I will be keeping tabs on ya and keepin in touch. :)
I have all the faith in the world that you can do this. Somehow I suspect you may even had a hand in things. Since we all know how much you LOVE Utah and all your neighbors!
Ride 'em cowgirl! Yippie-Yi-Ki-Yay!