Monday, April 28, 2008
The Longest Weekend of My Life
So how was your weekend? I'm so glad to hear that it was restful, lovely and sunny. Mine was sunny, that is about all we have in common. Friday went nice, even though Duchess was rocking some serious temps. Saturday started well, I got up early and went to brown nose, I mean assist at Princess' class with some art stuff for their end of year portfolio crappola. Me and three other parent's showed up but it was worth the time spent as I got to visit and really get to know her teacher. Too bad it was so late in the year. But I'm pleased to say that Princess is just rocking right along.In the afternoon, Duchess and I missed a friends' birthday party due to her temps, but I got some house cleaned and Princess represented us well. The Man assured me that it was a fun party for a 1 year old and since it was his co-worker's thingy, it worked out well.
It began Saturday afternoon though that things went to the pot. After all my musing about Princess and how things are going so well with her, she pulled a fast one. Momma had to throw down. It got ugly.
I utterly hate it when kids lie, or hide things. So when I went up to take some clean clothes to her big ole spacious room, I noticed while putting them away, something I rarely do, as it's part of their chores, that the kid was missing ALOT of clothes. So I started digging, behind the bunk, found some. Under the chair, found some new ones, still with tags, in the closet behind the junk, found some. There were clean clothes stuffed everywhere. I was not happy so I took them all and piled them in the middle of her floor. Then went down to eat the take out The Man was so nice to go get for everyone.
Except, after ordering a big person's meal, cause she's needs more portions than the kids' meal mom and look this is much better, Princess ate two bites of her food and walked off. Ummm hello that was Chili's carside service girlfriend, you don't walk away from that. The Man and I realize during a chat that she has stepped up the hardly eating thing at all, unless it's junk. Her little tummy is now curving in instead of out. Not good for someone who is always on the run. Plus I'm a cooker people. I made healthy good yummy meals but I'm not physcho about the candy or side snacks. Until now.
So a new menu was made up for Princess, high protein and healthy all the way. Then we sat her down and explained it. She is getting too old to continue two bite dinners and then wolfing down sweets anytime I'm not looking.
After that The Man and I went upstairs to view the damage in her room, all the way nursing Duchess and her temps, poor thing. She just was not herself this weekend. When The Man opened a drawer to check out the status of her "putting clothes away" skills, he found candy wrappers, alot of them. He proceeded to empty the entire room on her floor and found quite the stash. My kid was in for quite the surprise. So once that started, we realized that she's not getting the whole "be responsible for myself and my stuff". She's kinda blowing us off, not once did she get upset over any of this. Until I started throwing papers and junk away, then she got upset. She does not get that packrat tendency from me!
Papers, broken crayons, and little junk toys filled FOUR garbage sacks. FOUR! That is a whole week's worth of family trash for me. So we set down the law, obviously it was too much for her to keep her room clean and organized, and we're not expecting white glove passing of that test, just normal clean. So we're switching rooms.
Princess and Duchess have switched rooms. Duchess now has the big bedroom with the bunk bed unit that I broke down into a bed, a dressor, a bookshelf and a desk, it fills the room quite nicely. Her toys are spread out and tidy and her clothes put away. Kid helped me do it in 45 minutes. Such a trooper.
Princess now has the much smaller bedroom. Between the desk, dresser, two bookshelves and bed, you can twirl around in a circle barely. But I must say, after SIX hours, she has it pretty well set up. SIX hours people, this is how much junk the kiddo had. If I never see another McDonald's happy meal toy, it'll be too soon.
So all in all, I'm pleased with the progress, cause that room is too small to not be kept straightened up. Plus I found like 200 pairs of dirty socks in the move, yeah......I hate buying socks monthly anyway. Except, after all was said and done, my Princess, the love of my life, was still trying to rule the roost, telling me where to put stuff, then asking why I hadn't brought her something to drink.......I tell you. It got bad for her. But after all that we do for her, we do expect that she be respectful and appreciate it. That unappreciation just got voice lessons put off till summer and got camp canceled. That seems to have gotten through. Time will tell though. I hate to think she really has no concept of how lucky she is. That was make me a sucky mom.
Oh the bright side, I did fall down the stairs and hurt myself good yesterday. So today, I'm sling bound, at home with pain meds and an ortho appointment, because I suck and obviously can't handle walking in socks down the stairs in the dark. The Man was already at work when I called with my pitiful plea for motrin..........where is it? where? where? where? Poor guy, has decreed that we are so buying a ranch style house, no stairs = healthy wife.
Labels: About me, Are you serious? Why yes, family smamily, Princess In All Her Glory
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Ooh- sorry you hurt yourself; hope you heal quickly;).
Good on you for getting on top of Princess's penchant for pack-ratting. And it's good you found the junk-food evidence now - instead of much further down the line. Nip it in the bud;).
Oh the socks and stairs fall.... been there done that 2 years ago... thought I busted my tailbone. I hope you heal quickly. Good on getting tough on Princess. Rules and discipline are what make children into adults the world can tolerate!!
Good job w/ princess. My Mom let too much slide and it was a surprise when I first lived alone and had to do and pay every thing.
Hope the arm's ok. We seriously gotta talk about pain meds. Motrin? that's like baby aspirin *evil grin*
And I'm not going to make any snide comments about hoping for grace. Cuz I'm nice like that.