Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Holy Moly

There isn't enough time in my day this week. The Christmas party is Friday and I have the dress and all the trimming (plus the stuff to get me safely in the dress, looks like an old fashioned shoe horn)...what I don't have is the presentation done or the music or the presenters speeches. Cause it's an anniversary year so it's an awards ceremony......oh holy crap.

Pray for me,

I'll have pics and details other words Princess had a dental visit where they gased her today and that has made for an interesting afternoon of working from home with "loopy" in the background singing and talking non-stop. Yeah gas.....

The highlight of my day was driving after the dentist with "loopy" Princess to the ballet shoppe (fancy phrase for store that sells expensive crap) and purchasing the colored slippers she needs for the Nutcracker as well as a new pair of pink slippers for class cause she lost the old ones. Just to have her come home and write her name in them then an hour later find the missing pair under her dresser...........

Send chocolate....

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 6:15 PM :: (2) comments

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day.........Thankful All the Way

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that your day was everything you could want for this holiday occassion. We were thankful for several things today....

1. Footed pjs are back in style......hello we live in the snowy mountains
2. My girl is growing so big and so self-assured. I love that. What a rockstar......who can't clean her room or carry a tune in a bucket.....but she's asked Santa for a piano for Christmas, oh crap.
3. My kid coordinates her clothing and accessories better than I do.

4. In all seriousness, I am thankful for our post military life. Where my husband is working today by choice not by order, where he was able to leave early and be home in time for all the prep cooking.
5. I'm thankful for my mom, this is the first Thanksgiving in a long time that we've been able to share a kitchen.
6. I'm thankful for my family
7. And I'm thankful for my husband, who will be shopping in Black Friday at 5 am with a buddy so I can stay home and sleep in......... I'm so thankful......

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 9:01 PM :: (1) comments

Saturday, November 17, 2007

He's Handy.....

I have always told people that there were two reasons I married The Man...

1. Um....not appropriate for blog world


2. Cause he's handy.....

Seriously handy, as in he can fix anything he puts his hands to.

Once upon a time when we were lowly E3's and poor, I can home from work one day in my hand me down 1987 Chevy Caprice with valour seats...with a broken water pump. He came in from the ship at about 8 that night and over dinner, I explained the problem. After a quick change, a trip to Kragen, he pulls out all of his tools and a light and proceeded to remove the entire radiator and other doma-hickeys to pull the bad pump and replace it. He did it all by himself, while I took a bath, rocked our baby to sleep and then read a book in my bed till I passed out. At around 4 a.m. I awoke with the realization that I'd left my man under the hood of a car, out on the street by himself working on my car. Opps. I got out there just in time to see him slam the hood down and crank the car. After a quick test drive, he went inside, ate breakfast, changed clothes and then went to work again. No sleep........he's handy, and I love that.

He's worked on just about everything we've ever owned that I've managed to break. And I manage to break something at least once a week. We've been married ten years, that is alot of fixing people......

So today shouldn't have surprised me.

Two weeks ago the 6 disc CD player in my car went out...deader than a doornail. I mourned the loss of my CD player loud and alot. Cause see, I hate radio. I don't listen to corporate country or other stations, I make my own CD's and then rock out everyday. So my favorite six CD's were being held hostage.

So I called my dealership (national chain) where my warrenty is still good. It would cost me a co-pay of $50 to replace that dang thing, which they assured me was worth 2k. BS! Being my cheap and frugal self, I have sat on it for two weeks, debating the need for such a waste of money. Cause surly I could spent $50 elsewhere......right? Heck I spent three times that today at Wal-Mart.....I usually do.

So today while cleaning my floors, The Man volunteered to take Princess to ballet, so he wouldn't get stuck finishing the or maybe cause he's thoughtful. While waiting on her, he decided to make use of the carwash next door, as in, he was gonna clean out all the toys, wrappers and crap that accumlates in my car, then wash it. He loves me, and the fact that he loves his new-old hunting rig doesn't hurt.

So shortly after, he and Princess come in from their little trip. He waits till she is out of the room and then un-zips his jacket.......where he is bare-chested. Um hello........WTF? Turns out, he wasn't paying attention and after paying for the extreme carwash, he drove my car into the wash with the windows down. When the "Extreme" cold-recycled water blasted him and the whole dash of my car with 80 gallons of water, he got soaked and so did my dash.

By the time he got the windows up, he was soaked. So he took off his shirt and tried to quickly dry my dash......when my CD player turned on and spit out all 6 CDs then reset itself.

Yep, he fixed it. By any means possible......... he's handy...........and I have a warrenty in case my entire electrical system goes out or my car suddenly turns into Christine.....

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:49 PM :: (4) comments

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stupid Christmas Party

Well it's that time of year.....Christmas party time....and I have to get a dress......
I love the black, hids stuff that should be hidden and with a tan would look smashing in the snowy evening pictures......besides my good friend assures me that tan fat is cuter than white fat....
This is interesting....I like the color thing but not sure about how my hips would look in this.....

The Man really likes it.....that is all I will say.........
So I have to pick a

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 10:26 AM :: (3) comments

Monday, November 12, 2007

Halloween Round II

So what do you do when The Man is out of town and misses Hallween due to work?

You have Halloween again...four nights later and laugh when the neighbors stare and point at the people in costumes ringing your bell again and again and again till you finally give up all the candy to make them stop..

Then everyone tries on daddy's hat.... and I jack with the colors cause I love photoshop..

Gorgeous eh? Color is my friend.

Although this pic of him hoarding his favorite candy makes me slightly ill...too green...
The Man was a fishing cowboy....nice costume....

But all that matters is that they got to share the candy.....
Another slightly sweet and mushy family moment to treasure..since the little stinkers ate all the paydays...

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 8:54 PM :: (1) comments

Friday, November 09, 2007

Send My Award.....

I'm awaiting the arrival of my Mom of the Year award......
Because since Princess is an all around great kid, plus she is carrying straight A's.... we decided to treat her to a concert, her first concert, a Hannah Montana concert. Yep, we were on crack that day.

So we looked at all the high ass ticket prices and noticed that in our area tickets were going on sale the next morning, luck..... all luck people. I logged in and in four minutes had two tickets for less than 100 bucks total cost....sweet baby. Good deal. So it was set.

When we told her we waited till Duchess was spending time with Mims and we were picking Princess up from ballet one saturday morning, her whole body shot down to the floorboard and she began to convulse in was a good 30 minutes before she could actually speak. It was a little disturbing.

But for one glorious week I had the perfect tool to ensure my every wish was granted......the concert.

Then it was the night of the concert.......I had to work late, I left work late, I'm in the house on my cell working and trying to get dressed. In the car, on the cell working, stuck in traffic on the cell working, finally my kid sticks her ipod in and ignores me. Then I'm getting close to where I'm suppose to be but can't remember my exit so I interrupt the travel agent on the phone, have them get on google maps and give me directions.......perfect......finish working and arrive in plenty enough time to park and get a great spot close to the concert, with good lighting as demanded by The Man who was on business out of town and couldn't attend, lucky B~

So we park and head off to the nearest food joint for something to eat. My kid is vibrating with energy at this point and will not stop moving for the rest of the night.......

Then we enter and get our the nosebleed section. She was not impressed but once I gently reminded her that I still had time to take her home and switch her out for the grateful kid, she turned on the charm. I was very disappointed because our tickets we bought were not in the same area as the tickets that we were given, but you move on.......maybe
She was singing before the show ever started.......she sang all night, I may have sang some too....

So what if I look like crap, it was her concert not mine.......

So the sound was amazing but again, the seats were a little high......

The Jonas Brothers were cute and Princess kept threatening to faint.... geez I remember a similar feeling seeing Bon Jovi once.....that 3000 song is just too cute.
It was quite the colorful show, no nasty stuff, no skin, no nasty language, all clean pre-teen fun.

Then I realized that perhaps Princess wasn't getting the full CONCERT effect. SO I did that thing that I do.......

I got better seats......literally throwing a fit and refusing to leave so the ticket people could close, took me 8 minutes to get third row seats for free upgrade. The floor was packed with extras and contest winners and didn't look appealing so I was happy....... Princess was in awe of my mighty and learn grasshopper.......

So when Hannah/Miley came out, we had great seats right next to the stage. We saw everything and we were so stinking close......

They danced, we danced, I texted alittle and I called The Man so he could hear them all going ape-crap around me......
She danced and danced and sang and sang and was the happiest little girl.........ever.....

Here's Miley..........pretty dang close we were....

Bye Bye, good night..........
So does it mean your getting old if you stay up till 1:30 in the morning at a tween concert?

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 9:50 AM :: (5) comments

Monday, November 05, 2007

Oh Holy Cajun Hell

I love The Man, I love The Man, I love The Man....

If I keep repeating this I will remember it's true and not jump on his back when he walks in the door and have a hissy fit.

I suggested that we invite over ONE couple from his work, as we've been to several dinners and have yet to host, so I thought it would be nice to make an effort..........

HELLO....I'm making an effort, surely he realizes how huge this is? Cause I'm the homebody that loves to be home with my family and if not forced will not have company in my house for years at a time....I'm making progress....

This is the call I got earlier......

"Hey, busy day?"

"Yeah, work is killer....ummmm remember you said to invite SO and SO to dinner with their kids?"

"Yeah, did they say no?" Oh please say no....I suck at polite conversation, I say the wrong things, things like F-bombs and inappropriate conversations about being carried out of a fire emergency door by his brother while he was still fighting the bouncers......which I would like to point out was a long long time ago, a long long long time ago.........I swear.........

"Yeah, but then so and so said they'd come and so and so and then so and so and maybe so and so...........are you there? Honey? HONEY?"

Through gritted teeth: "And what am I suppose to cook for everyone HONEY?"

"Cajun was suggested since you're Cajun and all..............honey? HONEY? Oh there you are, are you breathing? But if you want to make it easy do ziti, alot of ziti.... honey?"

So the gauntlet was thrown down. I immediately summoned mother upstairs for a code red, as we now have to burn the living hell out of over a dozen people's taste buds in three days.......


We're thinking spicy boiled shrimp and boudin sausage for starters...... followed up by alligator and sausage gumbo....okay chicken and sausage but I'm telling them it's alligator, tastes like chicken anyway and it'll scare the hell out of them.....then something pecan for dessert........

Help.................send booze.........

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 6:21 PM :: (3) comments

Recent thoughts!

When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

Cast of Hope4Grace


Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


Duchess, my 8 year old "baby"


Murphy, our little man

I LUV nosy peeps!

My Girls


I Have A Sick Sense of Humor!


Bored? Read More

  • About Me
  • Are you Serious?
  • Being the Boss
  • Duchess
  • Eternal House Hunt
  • Eternal Job Hunt
  • Family Smamily
  • Flash Friday
  • Food, Taboo #1
  • Gas, Taboo #2
  • Girlies
  • Great Parenting 101
  • Grooming aka Hair Color
  • Happy Paper Writer
  • Homeschooling
  • Idiots
  • Latest Obsession
  • Military Wife
  • Old School
  • Random Pictures
  • Pissed Off
  • Ponderings
  • Princess
  • Shopping
  • Speak English
  • The Never Ending Move
  • Video
  • Welcome to the Boonies
  • Wordless Wednesday
  • Yes, I am...

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