Tuesday, May 22, 2007
OMG, Help!
I do so love my new job. It's great everything: benefits, free dr. pepper in the fridge, free Sonic-like chopped ice in the kitchen, a great work environment, fancy office chairs and a printer that I think can fax to Mars...However, I'm in deep doo-doo people!
Here is a list of areas that are challenging me:
1. NO ONE SMOKES! (TLG I know you feel me here)So when I go to get the mail, I'm smoking like four and nursing a buzz for an hour.... I need the stop smoking pill NOW!
2. DRESSCODE! I who only wears black or white am screwed. These people are fashionistas. And, and, and they accessorize, well. I've decided to start adding one piece of not-matching-at-all clothing or accessories to my outfit.
3. HAIR! For the chick who does not have certification to even lift a curling iron considering the amount of burns she has received in the past, this is killing me. Up-do's, extensions, fake hair pieces, weird side sweeps. These people make this stuff look great! Note to self: let 4 year old fix your hair tomorrow, that could work...?
Okay, otherwise I'm doing good, just challenged....crap, I'm not girlie enough!
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Just be yourself!! Don't get caught up in trying to keep up.
Though, that pashmina could come in handy. It goes with black or white girl;)!
Okay, pashmina is freshly washed and is drying as we speak....as you read???? Never mind, but tomorrow is pashmina day so I will have a pic of moi to post for you!!! You rock!
Oh and it's still sooooooo soft, Duchess likes to rub her face on it.
Okay, keep your hair. From the pictures I've seen of you, you are one hot chick, don't mess with a good thing.
I agree, stop smoking, or you're not going to be a hot chick much longer....just stop it, NOW!
Keep your black stuff and start with buying a few fun blouses and heels. Keep your accesories simple and timeless but buy a few fun things that can dress up a fitted white blouse (like big chunky, beaded, turquois, sparkly, something like that). We have a store that sells accesories super cheap that are very fun and fashionable...maybe search online.
Don't go overboard, you may start setting a new trend to just keep it real and simple....you seem to be the trend setter type...you lead, they follow. Now, go forth and shop!
I worked at a place like that once.... I was just out of highschool and some of the women were really trendy and spent a fortune of clothing. I decided that I would just be me in what I was comfortable in and added a bit of color here and there. I have to say that I am more fashionable now than I was then. It's been the last couple years that I've decided to get a little more fashionable (not trendy just a little more upto date!)