Saturday, April 28, 2007


My dear blog pal, TigerLambGirl got an interview recently. This got me to thinking....okay, wrong got me jealous that I've never been interviewed, and we can't count the time I was on Texas TV plugging a work event (cause dang did I look rough).

So, this is my call-to-question for you guys, yes even those lurkers who never comment (okay some do, but I take out the naughty ones, please whoever you are, stop asking about my freaking underwear choice, it's rude!)

Throw one question you'd like to know my answer to. I specialize in giving really indepth answers on any of the following: my life, parenting, military spouse life, cajuns who eat out of ditches, cast-iron cookware, human resources/marketing, toliet scrubbing and cleaning tips as well as hoping for grace.

Anything outside of that sphere, I'll be winging it, just so you know. Belly up to the bar and give me your best shot. Tag!

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 9:01 PM

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Okay, why did you leave the military?


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 10:20 AM, April 29, 2007 #

Want me to send you 5 interview questions?;)

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:11 PM, April 29, 2007 #

That would be lovely, then I wouldn't feel so left out. :( I'm

Posted by Blogger Hope4Grace @ 8:04 PM, April 29, 2007 #

How about when are you gonna call me back.....Mend

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 9:47 PM, April 29, 2007 #

First, create a new post (go back to my Interview page and copy/paste the rules from there).

Okay, here are your 5 questions:

1-What is your most embarrassing high school moment? Describe in detail.

2-If you could undo one thing, what would it be and why?

3-Razors or wax? And why?

4-If you were going to be abandoned on a deserted island - name 10 things you would take to survive and be happy there for the rest of your life.

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:46 AM, April 30, 2007 #

Duh- here is the 5th question:

5-What is the funniest thing you've ever witnessed in your life?

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:47 AM, April 30, 2007 #
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