Saturday, April 30, 2011
Life in My Shoes...
The highlight of my work day yesterday, learning how to wire for a new product. Not cause I have to or even need to, but simply because somebody lost a bet an thought it'd be funny to have to teach me something technical as a result. IT WORKED though so I rock.
The kids' opponents forfeited without even showing up (guess word is out that we rock) so we played parents verses kids. HYSTERICAL. I can't wait to get the rest of these pics in but Dave played right field and I played short stop. Princess is still pissed cause I fielded her line drive and threw her out at first before she was half way there, lol. I do so love this sport.
The daddys! Since our 12 year old pitcher throws some super fast balls, the boys refused to hit off her without helmets. Dave's didn't quite fit, lol.
We wore them out. She didn't make it to even put on jammies.
Cause after the game, we took all the kids (and sore parents) to DQ where we ran into someone else who'd lost a bet. He was dressed like Thor (with hammer and shoes) on a date, lol.
Tonight is girl's night. Prin and her bff chillaxing on my couch. Right now, they are getting coached on two-steppping from Dave. It's always fun at my house apparently.
Duch is just a hot mess, lol. That girl has been distracting me from writing papers all day with facts about dogs. She read a new book, sigh.
We did nails! I'm blue and she's green. We b hot.
Stud monkey is just hot. And such an amazingly good sport to have a house full of loud music, little girl giggles and off key singing wife.... he's still smiling.
Speaking of hot mess.
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