Monday, February 14, 2011

Lord Help My Stupid Self

I am too old for this shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhite.

Good lord it was difficult to walk upright today, I was tempted to go to work in my mickey mouse pjs and lock myself in the office but I put on my big girl panties and sucked it up. The prayer helped.

When my alarm went off and I slid off my tall bed (that seemed like a good idea at the time) my knees checked out and I hit the floor, so I went ahead and prayed for mercy.

Four hours of softball on Saturday, then yesterday I lost my ev-ah loving mind. I spent four hours cleaning out the jeep then uninstalling a cargo hold by myself. Cause I'm stupid. Seriously, good lord. Then I rearranged my room.

Intelligence is measured by various things and I'm lacking a few of those things. Apparently my brain still thinks we're 20 and my body is pulling back the reins going "SLOW DOWN BESSIE".

But I'm learning, cause my body has hammered my brain all day and they are slowing coming to an agreement....... I'm stupid.

But man, I got a clean jeep and bedroom looks hot! Too bad I'm sleeping all alone in that king sized bed, sigh.

Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:52 PM

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I have always taken care of my skin, hair, nails, but somewhere along the way, my body decided to go against me.

Like you, when I do things that are strenuous, now I feel them for days, hurting in places i did not know I had.

How did this happen? Do you remember getting the memo that your body decided it did not like physical stuff anymore? lOL

I must get back into the gym, not for weight loss, I am a good size, but to get my body moving, I want to be agile again, I am sure my hubby would appreciate it too :-)

I use to sit indian style in the floor and wrap gifts for hours at christmas, I did that this year and I swear to God, after 45 mins, I could not stand up, my kids had to get on each side of me, "lifting" me up so my legs would unbend.

Of course they all got a good laugh at that one

Posted by Blogger One Girl's Story @ 7:45 AM, February 18, 2011 #
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When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

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Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


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