Saturday, January 29, 2011
Knock Knock....Who's there?
Illegal activity from a 12 year old.
So this blessed child of mine who couldn't be more loved if she's invented the internet and shoes, has lost her flipping mind. And strangely enough since Dave is off on assignment in another state, I kept calm and rational. I didn't even pull her across any furniture by the hair, cookie for me.
Yesterday she and the sitter's daughter (happens to be her bestest friend ev-ah) celebrated Friday by writing their names in marker on the sitter's front porch. Vandelism at 12, wow....oh the places we can go from here. The felonies are endless.
She just spent 2.5 hours in their yard with said bfe.... picking up pooh of their extremely large and healthy dog, raking a ton of leaves, sweeping porches and etc. Restitution at it's best. One of the most impressive and successful components of modern criminal justice. I highly recommend it, in fact I did such an excellent paper on it last semester that I got 100% on it. Interesting.
So now she is working like a dog in my house. This would be punishment. Then tomorrow she gets to do my yard.
Ohhhhh the utter joy of parenting.
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