Monday, October 18, 2010
My doctor loves me
I'm a walking ball of medical issues. So I'm Vitamin D and B deficient thanks to my Gluten-Free lifestyle, hello massive amounts of pills (oh god not the shots, please not the shots). Tested negative for Lupas, woohoo.Now I have yet more appointments to get my system straight, I tell you....who knew that blogging my hysterectomy (see archives for that fun reading, seriously it's fun, swear) would still continue a year later. Today is the one year mark, and recovery is still ongoing. Oh the major stuff is all good to go but you're body does take forever to get all the kinks out of the system....blood pressure, iron levels, etc. Drama.....good grief, it's a good thing I have such an awesome sense of cynical humor.
I'm still planning on giving the dr office the finger every time I drive by though, just on principal.
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