Tuesday, October 05, 2010
I'm Grounded
So if I haven't called you, it's cause I'm grounded....Dave theatened to take away my phone. Apparently I'm using ALL of our plan minutes and was like 650 texts over my limit. So in answer.....I got creative. Since we be on the big conglomerate discount of his previous employer and we don't want to mess with our plan and pay more....I have taken extreme measures.I upped myself to the super duper teen text plan.....hello 5k texts a month. Since they backdated this, it saved us about ohhhh $300....What I text alot. I live, I text. Period.
Then I actually added people to my friends/family list.
Then I got vonage for dirt cheap a month (less than one family meal out at Sonic) and the plus side is unlimited calls and surprise.........a local number. It's been a long time since I've had a local number for where I actually live. Cool.
The downside: I just plugged it into the wall earlier and sent out the notify everyone I know email when the damn thing rang and I about peed my pants. Thanks Mary, for actually following directions and calling me at home, YOU GO GIRL. However, close miss aside.....the children spotted the new phone on the table about 2 seconds after they walked in. Damn.......I can expect a million little girls to start calling us tomorrow......sigh. Oh well, it's what the dang thing is for.
So if you call me, call me at home....seriously or he'll run over my phone if I exceed my minutes again and then I'll die....cause I live....I text....therefore I live.
(and we wonder where the baby gets her dramatic flair from)
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