Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Eternal Student
I heart school.I really do enjoy going to school. I could become the perpetual college student. Today begins my new set of classes. I'm taking 3. I usually take 2 but since I'm carrying a great GPA I qualify for 3 at a time.
So I was giddy when I sat down today with my books. I mapped out all my duedates and deadlines on the family calendar. I went through each week of each class making up my study guides, pulling all the topics I'll have to write discussions on (the better to research ahead of time and write up notes) and posting all my autobib inform.
I'm a geek.
I'm an unapologetic geek too. I love school. It's really sad that I'm down to the last few classes before my degree too. Sigh.....
Now I have something to do late at night when I can't sleep. See I've found that my key to good grades is to work ahead. I always work ahead one week. This gives me leeway in case I'm sick, the kids get the pox or worse, a surgery or family emergency slips in there unannounced. So this week I'm doing two full weeks worth of school.
I love it.
I have issues.
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