Friday, September 24, 2010
Dancing with the Dork
Every morning when the bus drives away with my babies, I come straight in and crank up my itunes. I'm a music person, a dancing person....just not in front of others. My taste in music drives Dave nuts, I think my dancing does too, so when I have this place all to myself....boogy shoes!This morning though I said a little thank you prayer when I had a flashback to getting into the office way early, before any of the banker hours' people. My ipod was a constant accessory at work so I'd jam away doing all my about office needs, copying my stuff, packing up event boxes, etc....early so I wouldn't have to roam the office later and actually speak to people, I'm a shit. But I'd dance and way through the first hour of my morning....offkey. It was great. Until the time one of the managing partners walked into the kitchen while I was butt in the air doing a dance and singing off key while digging out my breakfast. Opps.......
This is why I keep my blinds closed in the morning.......
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