Sunday, May 30, 2010
R We Normal?
So there are often times I revel in my family. We're hysterical, we're faith led, and we're oh so real. However, I often wonder if other families are as "real" as we are....or if perhaps we have gone off the deep end.Some thoughts on our "normal"
- while preparing for church, Dave tells me a blonde joke about a poot (we don't say the f word) and a dog, Scooter....we all laugh hysterically....cause gas is funny in our house
- we are currently locked in a heated family debate over the correct pronounciation of the words "lips" in we are watching Veggie Tales right now so Dave and I will quit arguing over it
- speaking of Veggie Tales, we have a very disturbing habit....It's hard to confess so please don't judge us, I'm deathly serious....if it gets too quiet (which rarely happens but occassionally) one of us will break out the first part of Barbara Manatee with the rest breaking in to sing the repeat lines. Dave always finishes it with the deep voice line. People usually stare if we're in a restaurant
- my oldest burps like a man and will scare the crap out of you when she releases a monster while my youngest will call you out (and sometimes complete strangers) if she smells something and thinks you pooted. She thinks everyone should announce it with a loud "Excuse me" like she does, regardless of where you are
- my kids are deathly afraid of hot boxing: thanks Dave
- my oldest announced today that she wanted to shave her legs, my youngest covers her face and moans "oh you tween" and my husband tried to offer her money to delay the process. We managed to change the subject by talking about his toe hair.
- in Walmart after church we were trying to get me a knee brace for my workouts and I had one leg propped up on the lower shelf, one hand braced on Dave's back and my jeans pulled up as far as I could which means right above my knee. On an aisle that also sells everything old people need to live, Dave gets frustrated trying to adjust one of the options on me and announces loudly to just "pull your pants down" to which my kid says "mom are you wearing underware today"...Dave got all red and backpedalled that he meant to just lower my pants leg and he'd put it on over my jeans. The old people didn't look convinced but one man moved closer as if interested...hmmmm
Just some things that have happened today, before 2:52 pm on a Sunday r we normal or is everyone else really boring?
Labels: family smamily, gas, On The Road
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