Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Well I broke my all Christian music streak this morning, not even thinking I logged in to watch Glee and then put the new songs on my ipod and rocked out while doing my morning run with the kids. Dang I just really love music!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'm having a major guilt trip this morning over really enjoying that.In other news, I got my kids up and decided today was the perfect day to start our morning runs. I technically can't run due to my knees but what do doctors know? So I wog, which is walk a lot, jog a little. Princess has this jogging thing down, she jogs ahead and walks back to me, jogs get the idea...but Duchess.......OMGosh........urgh. This kid HATES to exercise and whines and drags behind and gets all red faced and flat out gives up during our jog. So we'll now be doing this every morning because this is not cool. We all need the exercise so in addition to our park play time and our softball playing and our swimming we'll be adding the morning wog.
Another totally random kids have always had nicknames. I gave them their blog royal monikers in the hopes of trying to keep their identify a secret. Really, who wants to google themselves at school and see this stuff. But at home, being that they both have older, Victorian names, I find myself nicknaming them various things. Dave doesn't help, his nickname for our youngest is now the primary name her Pappy calls her, I hold they shake this habit by high school. But after the Harry Potter thing hit our house years ago I began calling them Fred and George after the naughty Weasley twins. It's seemed to fit, trust me. And now, they'll totally correct me in public quoting movie lines when I mess it up....
"Mom, I'm Fred.. Seriously woman you can't even tell your own son apart"
Stuff like that. Except this morning on the jog I told George to pick it up and get a move on it and an old lady walking by tells her husband, "what an unfortunate name for a girl".
Gasp! About wet my pants over that one.........
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That made me laugh out loud about the names.
I totally understand the exercise thing. My daughter would rather sit in front of the couch and my son would rather be outside all day playing. I just need better motivation. :)
And I'm a music whore which is bad because I waffle from one genre to the next. My kids hate it!!!