Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Check list
off pain pills for good?
answering my phone?
maybe, depends
all A's, all three classes, woohoo!
kids' grades?
all A's, they rock
things are moving along at warp speed. Birthdays and Christmas coming so fast. Not to mention Thanksgiving. I've lost 5 weeks in a blur. That part is okay though, it's the stuff that's left that is driving me nuts.
tv drives me nuts now. When I realized I was watching a soap the other day, I emptied my ipod and filled it with new stuff. Now it's all about music. Which is why I didn't hear the phone when you called, sorry.......I'll call you next month. Still not in the mood. Which could explain my conversation with my doc....went like this...:
Doc: So how are the moods?
me: (snort)
Doc: that good huh?
me: I'm mean and I know it and I don't give a shit
Doc: at least you're honest, it could be worse
me: really? how?
Doc: How's everyone taking that?
me: who the *^%$ cares?
Doc: alright then
Doc is blaming that on my extremely low blood pressure. Which surprises me! I've always had perfect bp. Always. This past week at my appointment it took five trys with two different machines and then manual just to get my bp to read. Then it was seriously so low they took my pulse. So if that doesn't change next week then I'll get some lovely meds. Yeah! meds :( Turns out I had a pulse though, which is good cause that would have been awkward as shit huh? Managed to make it all afternoon without throwing up too, last couple of days have been rough as stomach stuff has been interfering.
Well that is all depressing as hell huh?
So the good news?
All my blue jeans are hanging on me. I keep this up and I'll be able to wear my wedding dress again. Cause nothing says hot like prancing around in your wedding dress twelve years later. I guess since I'll be returning to work soon I should try on my work pants and make sure they will stay up, I've always worn a size or two bigger so that could be really not good if they won't stay up.
Other good news, my kids are amazing. They are doing alot of the bigger chores and happily sweet about it. My baby (6 and still my baby) is all about helping mommy and when I crash for my afternoon nap, she tucks me in and then creeps out the door to go watch cartoons. Sweet baby. My big one wants to shave her legs and needs a shopping trip but is otherwise being quite an amazing kid right now. I am so very blessed with those kids. Even if they sing "Rocking the beer gut" on the way to school.
House is still on hiatus just cause I have enough on my plate. Walking on faith and what will be will be.
My goal for tomorrow is to work a little, manage the day on one nap and walk the entire street on my exercise outing in the morning without having to stop and curb rest. Oh and to call at least one friend. Well the list of people stalking me quite long but I'm gonna try and call one a day so they know I'm alive. I may not be anywhere close to normal yet but that's okay.
Normal is boring. (my new motto)
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Some friends of mine made a huge banner in college that read: Weird is good! Normal is boring.
I've always tried to remember that. ;-)
I love, love, love the new layout and the pictures. They are so great. You have a beautiful family.
Amazing amazing header....what a fabulous family photo. It looks just AMAZING! Glad to hear you are on the mend, albeit (is that a word?) slowly.