Saturday, August 08, 2009
I hate lessons.......
Once again I'm bearing sad happy arse got schooled yesterday. It really does humble a girl when the Lord hands out lessons when you least expect it. I've had a very long very busy week. More medical stuff (which one day I'll expel all over you Internet and share my joys there) but I digress..., work is swamped as well as preparing for a new office, we move next week, kids are prepping for back to school, my kids' $250 phone bill (don't ask) and Dave is hunting for the perfect travel trailer to live in (don't ask).But in addition to everything I have going on I get a reminder of my nifty little work crackberry that I had a class on Friday. So I got up early, drove all the way downtown (long way) to my class. Where I fell asleep twice before 10:30. And spent most of my day doodling....cause it was very obvious that all my government training had already "certified" me as not only crazy but a Microsoft Expert. Duh..... but this class was suppose to be an Excel expert level class and since I had recently run across three different things I couldn't do, I signed up when work gently forced us to take some classes cause review time is coming..... ;)
It was at lunch time that the said lesson hit me between the eyes.
You see, I'm very very rarely alone. Even though I have spent most of my marriage with my husband either deployed or working in other areas, I do have two children. And on lunch I usually hook up with my cohort, I mean coworker to get into mischief. So since I hadn't spoke to anyone in my class, cause frankly I don't like people, I found myself alone for lunch. Strange.
So I jumped in my car, cranked the stereo to my favorite "not kid appropriate" CD and got busy, jamming and driving looking for food. About three blocks from the tech center I found myself in the middle of ........ well ....... hell. It looked like a battleground from a futuristic post-apocalyptic sci-fi. It was really really sad, and a little scary. So I'm driving around and find myself turning the radio down and checking to make sure my gun was close by.
But hey, everyone can recognize Taco Hell, so I whipped in to grab a corn taco, yum. But as I'm standing in line, I started looking around. And then stuck my hand in my pocket, the hand with the rings from Dave, and the really nice watch from Dave (dudes I don't buy my jewelry su'okay). Then I pulled my hair over my pearls and starred at the floor while waiting my turn.
See here's the thing..... I have a tendency to get wrapped up in my life, my own head. Mainly because I don't like people. But also because I tend to juggle so many things that I get tunnel vision.
Except, it was impossible not to look outside my own head while standing in the middle of that Taco Hell in one of the worst parts of Salt Lake City. All around me were examples of why I am blessed beyond my highest expectations. This place was packed and I stood out. Which bothered me because peeps I'm not living an extravagant life at all. But as I shuffled along waiting my turn at the counter, I must tell you, I couldn't help but think about the people around me. If appearances and facial expressions mean anything, then I was one rich b*tch. Again, which I am far from. So I paid for my lunch and ate in my car in the parking lot.
I drove back to the office in quiet, no stereo needed as I couldn't have heard it over my thoughts. My prayers of thanks. My life is far far far from any level of perfection but I'm so very blessed. My kids have clean clothes, clean faces, healthy smiles and sleep under a solid safe roof in a nice neighborhood. It was a poignent moment.
But I perserve.....
I totally tried not to correct and prompt the teacher the rest of my class.......but honestly by the time we got to the class segment about how to add graphics to your Excel spread..... cause I'm sorry but you ain't doing any real work if you're adding clipart and word art to your spreads peeps
I created this, and since I was on the front row and everyone behind me in the six slightly elevated rows could see my screen, the instructor thought it would be cute to go ahead and sign my certificate and let me leave early.
Sometimes it does truly rock to be more ways than one.
Count your blessings peep.
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