Beating the Texas heat....and trying to correct my redneck tan! Such is my life.
'Southern girl finally settled back in the bible belt, making the best of an imperfect life...normal is boring!
We Live For Softball
H4G Facts
1. This past March, I finally got my tattoo, I am now complete
2. Dave and me - 15 freaking years yo
3. I want to be a sniper when I grow up!
4. Gluten free, cause I have to be
5. I am a licensed gun owner and basic gun nut
6. I've given up heels for flats and cowboy boots
7. My girls are my everything
8. Have no clue what my natural hair color is anymore
9. Born and raised in the sticks of Louisiana
10. My mother is my hero!
Texas Traffic
My mini-me
Light My Fire
Back When We Were Young
Back When They Were Babies
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
He Came, He Bought, He Spoiled, He Left
So Dave came home for Father's Day weekend and exercised his daddy privilege and bought the kids a go-kart.
It runs on gas. Lord help me. The day was spent getting it primed and ready to go. I do so love garage sales. They are sweeeeet! Plus you add in a trip to the mall and I'm there.
Please notice the death grip Duchess has on daddy. Not to mention the look on her face. She was all about "speed limits". Poor thing, she must have gotten some of my momma's genes in the driving department (sorry mommy, love you, but you drive SLOOOOOOOOOW). Cause Dave and I have very different driving skills and styles but they are both fast. Princess was totally driving like a pro after the first lap.
Yes, that would be my kids terrorizing the neighborhood, on a Sunday no less. For shame!
Okay, this was the cutest thing, he actually put the thing on ramps while making sure it was kid appropriate. :) Then added some butterfly decals. Cause it's red and all, not pink.
Sup...... rocking my saturday look, no makeup, funky hair, shades.
Although I must say that the dang thing does go fast. Look at their faces. LOL, 15 mph was a little too fast for them. After an hour, we noticed that they needed driving lessons though....cause Princess was blowing through stop signs like they were cool. We're not talking a rolling Cali stop either, full out blowing them.
All in all, they were thrilled. Dave managed once again to make the whole month.
So honey, happy Father's Day, especially since you bought your own present, hope you enjoy those scopes! :) But for the record those jeans I got you are the bomb. Much better look for you, cause the droopy rapper look is sooooooooo not you.
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how cute is that?! butterfly stickers... aaawww!!!
i'm diggin your saturday look! looks alot like mine!
Man, he's the dad for putting butterfly decals on the car! How cool is that?
Love your Saturday look - great hair!!
Love the Saturday look hottie! I love the look on the girls face as they were rocken the 15mph.... lol. Miss you girly