Friday, April 17, 2009
Thinking inside the box...
The one thing that we women tend to suck at is compartmentalizing. This straight from my last psych class, but I can so dig that.We let all the edges of our lives overlap into one another.
This tends to make us extremely good organizers, able to juggle the largest number of things at one time. We remember vaguely familiar things and are able to perform at the highest level while wearing all our many hats.
Men tend to compartmentalize, again per my psych book. True again. They switch hats, pulling on one distinct hat while pushing the rest of the hats into a box, where they close the lid.
I'm gonna learn to compartmentalize, which does not come natural to me. The problem is when one part of my life is on the downswing, it bleeds over into all the other areas.
This was a gentle way of saving that when I get upset, it makes me a all-around-pissy-arse cause I can't turn it off.
Flipping that mental facet! Twisting that baby and working on compartmentalizing while still juggling.
Surely this is not as impossible as it sounds. Right?
Labels: being the boss
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