Saturday, April 04, 2009

A Day With Us

Come spend your day with us! We started our day early as we had a morning time birthday party for a lovely little 2 year old. So instead of cleaning up our house, we merely stepped over laundry, ignored the clutter and dishes, kissed the dog and headed out.

To find this:

Truly nasty weather early this morning. But it's all melted by afternoon so yeah! Spring may truly be around the corner. Notice my budding tulips! Go go tulips go. My mum planted them hence their not dying from the black thumb disease I have.
Around noon, we were done with the party, except I couldn't post pics cause I do that without parental permissions and frankly since they don't know me as Hope4Grace, that would be a pickle, so there you have it.
Next up, since we were already in civilization, a quick trip to my favorite evil empire.....

Where I happily picked up some reading materials. Woohoo, seriously wondering what it would take to get The Man into a kilt.....I'm seriously thinking on that one. Yum. From there, we managed to drag the children kicking and screaming in Cabela's, the store of all outdoor goodies.

They do so adore anything redneck, so we embraced inner-selves. I am always amazed to see Duchess go ga-ga over animals. She just loves them.

Even fish.

Look at that face. Ahhhhh!
Got the ankle holster I needed for my gun. Just like this, except with a fashionable high heel or a good sturdy boot. And better looking gams.

Then spoiled thyself and got this sweatshirt, I love green and I heart Cabelas.....go figure.
Got home and crashed. Big long nap and now I'm doing laundry, which you don't need to see, and cooking dinner.
Cause (sniff sniff) my mommy didn't give me no shrimps!

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 6:12 PM

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I'm not all that sure what a "GAM" is, but I'm sure that yours are better than that wussy ankle-holster models.

Posted by Blogger Dave @ 2:24 PM, April 05, 2009 #
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When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

Cast of Hope4Grace


Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


Duchess, my 8 year old "baby"


Murphy, our little man

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I Have A Sick Sense of Humor!


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