Monday, April 20, 2009

Cooking lessons

Does this look gross? Cause my kids are tearing the kitchen up looking for more, too bad I ate the last piece hiding in the bathroom.

Turns out that gluten-free bread sucks. Seriously sucks, unless you decorate it. I had the brilliant idea for a yummy treat (OKay found a good recipe online and figured I could use my GF bread to make it). So I whipped out the rosemary, garlic salt, cheese sticks and butter to slather up my GF bread and broil that baby up good.

Now what to make to go with the bread, cause you can't just eat bread for dinner. Even yummy cheesy bread. Good parenting it is not.

So I threw together my homemade sauce....

Added some rice fettuccine......

Oh my heavens, pardon me for making a pig of myself but damn that was good.
Lesson learned: GF bread can be broiled or toasted with just about anything to make it edible.


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:04 PM

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It really does look good! I have to admit I have never eaten gluten-free bread so I will take it from you that it isn't good unless spiced up with something.

Posted by Blogger Frazzled Farm Wife @ 8:17 PM, April 20, 2009 #
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