Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Updates Galore...

This week was Parent/Teacher conference week. Woohoo, great times. So I drug myself in there for Duchess' conference yesterday, and was floored. My precious chatterbox six year year old, passed her reading test with flying colors, can count to 250 and has her letters down. Only areas she needs to work on: handwriting and sounding out her words better. Very social and happy girl.

Then today I drug myself to Princess' conference. My kid is brilliant and bright and happy and anxious. Yep, you read that right. This I don't get, I'm very driven under stress and frankly if I have a deadline, I do great work. It's without a deadline that I have to crack the whip otherwise I get sidetracked. Not Princess, my baby is have "test" drama in math, a subject she has already rocked the top in. Otherwise her reading is MUCH improved and she needs to work on spelling. Cause if she is like her momma, who still can't spell to save her life, then she's in trouble.

What a relief that my babies are both doing so well!!!! I love that! Motivates me to keep at the neck break speed of living where I juggle work, school and most importantly being their momma and making them homeschool on the side. Cause we are seeing progress!

And here's an older pic of them, cause momma hasn't taken any new pics of them lately. I suck. Hey mom, let's taken them for pics next weekend.......huh? Hello? Mom?
Biology II is killing me. Besides missing out on sleep and that awkward email from my professor about why in the MIDDLE of my paper was two lines from a recipe I was copying for dinner. Luckily she has a sense of humor. So besides writing a ton of papers backed with mucho sources (always impress by using a federal link if possible, you know like the EPA or the US Fish and Wildlife Service), I'm also running two experiments for my final grade in my basement.

#1 - Acid Rain: I'm purposely killing plants with different dilutions of my own acid rain mixture. Frankly, I am not surprised that I rock at killing things. This is week 3 here, so you can see, I'm successfully killing things.

I got a total bug in my ear (yeah right) and decided that I was not happy with the house. I've been on pause, so I scrubbed floors and baseboards while my kids slept late. Then after breakfast in front of their favorite movie, I de-junked my kitchen. Nothing but the basics on the counters! It's like being in a different house. Still waiting on the cabinet warranty peeps to fix the ledge under my sink but oh well, getting there. Next weekend? I'm gutting my closet and re-organizing. I figure I'll be done with the whole house by May. Maybe.

Experiment #2 - As the World Rots is going well. I'm growing bacteria on three variables of pears. Fun! Week 3 - officially into bacteria world.

Murphy, the wonder dog, is doing well. Except Friday he gets snipped. Poor bastard. I'm feeling bad for him already but we can't have no naughty doggie behavior. Cause I've already threw one blanket away. Geez! So pray for the little fellow. I have this sneaky suspicion that he knows what's coming.
In other news, we're finally fencing in two weeks. Luckily, it turned out that the fence peeps actually reduce their pricing and still fence in horrible piles of snow and cold weather. That rocks. I'm already ready to see it up so I don't have to see the neighbors.
The Man and I are both in school again, so we're dualing laptops most nights but we've been scheduling breaks. This Friday night, we're taking kids out to dinner to celebrate the good grades. Then well it'll probably include ice cream!
Till then, I'm going back to write on the scientific method best suited for ecology.
Have fun.

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 6:30 PM

Recent thoughts!

When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

Cast of Hope4Grace


Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


Duchess, my 8 year old "baby"


Murphy, our little man

I LUV nosy peeps!

My Girls


I Have A Sick Sense of Humor!


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  • About Me
  • Are you Serious?
  • Being the Boss
  • Duchess
  • Eternal House Hunt
  • Eternal Job Hunt
  • Family Smamily
  • Flash Friday
  • Food, Taboo #1
  • Gas, Taboo #2
  • Girlies
  • Great Parenting 101
  • Grooming aka Hair Color
  • Happy Paper Writer
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