Tuesday, December 30, 2008
We were stationed in Texas, it was a nasty dry heat as we lived closer to the border of Mexico than I would have liked. It was the worst duty station ever, except I made some great friends, but the damn bugs, OMG, the bugs. Anywho.....being in Texas, The Man had started listening to some local Texas bands.When two tickets floated our way, we threw our children to the neighbors and headed out.
It was fantastic. This was the best song to hear live.
However, I must tell you if you've never danced in an open air concert hall along the beach in South Texas , with sprinkling rain and a hot stud in skin tight blue jeans, a cowboy hat who benched 350 and had arms arms the size of small cannons....
Well you're just missing out.
Just one of the many memories I plan on taking with him into old age, cause you know 32 is right around the corner and I'm soooooo not fitting in those tight jeans anymore, I'm not in my 20's and I must admit that I wouldn't trade a day of the journey.
What is your favorite concert?
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