Monday, July 21, 2008

19 Again...

Just to let you know, this past weekend, I rocked it like a 19 year old again. And I'm still paying for it now. My hips hurt from shaking my stuff all night long. My feet hurt from jumping up and down all night long. My arms hurt from having them waving over my head all night long and The Man is sporting some seriously baggy eyes for having to keep up with my bad self, getting four hours of sleep and then going to work. Poor baby. I slept in.

We went to see Flogging Molly.

I'm in love. I already was slightly in love with two of their CD's in rotation in my car and one in the house, but now I'm ready to sign on as a groupie and drag my family from show to show if they'd let me carry bags or something.

However, that being said...........

Let's examine my very very sheltered existence first. See turns out I'm really as modest, prudish and unworldly as I thought I was. We went with another couple. They are awesome and we were having a blast. But once we pulled up to the event, we realized it wasn't going to be us and 15 other people in a little venue. Nope, they packed this place. Who knew.....especially here in the boonies of Utah. Woohoo....... But as we got out and got at the very end of line. I started worrying outloud. There were alot of stoners, punkers and skinheads in the crowd. Plus alot of older people and some normal looking people like me. For God's sake, Internet, I dressed up and wore jewelry and full on makeup. People were moving out of my way all night, like royalty had come to town.......not cause I was royalty, but probably so they didn't get any NORMAL germs on them. I was like Bigfoot, a rare sighting.

So we grabbed our tickets from will-call, once again showing what a normal adult I am. Everyone else was in the huge line to buy at the door. Hello, I saved $5 a ticket and bought online. Hmmmm. Freak that I am. Then we split into gender based lines for pat down. At that point, I really wanted to crawl back to the truck, but Cec wasn't having it. She was making me be tough. So I fluffed my hair and adjusted my cleavage, the show would go on......

Once the security guard decided I could keep my underwire but took my lighter (b*tch!) I was in. And immediately started whimpering until The Man came through the door too. People moved out of his way also, but not for the same reason. The Man was in a button down shirt and jeans with boots, but in this crowd, his wide shoulders made him a very noticeable Bigfoot.

We hit the ATM, got some sodas and found a place to stand very close to the stage when a group of people with very shiny nice bald heads started removing shirts and stuff. Hmmmmm. Strange, true there wasn't ANY air conditioning in the joint but dang, there is no need to get personal. I slapped my hair up in a pony, therefore transforming myself instantly into a 14 year old looking little girl with a fat face and waited for the opening act.

It was then we noticed the upper balcony had room to stand. Hello.....oh turns out, that is where the drinkers were. The adults were in the "club", cause in Utah you have to be a club member (hello, they get that membership fee as a tax, greedy state) to even be in a bar with "by the drink" is served. So since none of us were drinkers, we passed. Even though the view up there had to be better. Drunken neighbors were not our cup of tea. So we stayed put.

Until I noticed a very mean looking security guard guarding a doorway, hmmmm. Being the supreme nosy person that I am, I went over and made friends. Turns out, upstairs were private VIP booths with direct stage views and open windows providing breeze. Yeah, you following me here. For $25/person, we got ourselves a private booth. VIP all the way baby.

And when the opening act came on, some very strange little punk band.....lots of screaming....

This happened.....

So I never realized that mosh pits actually happened. I mean, I've heard of them but OMG. The lily livered country girl in me was beside herself, cause "Honey, there are GIRLS in there". Oh and I snuck my phone in to take was inside my bra, waaaaaaaay down so it missed the security pat down. But back to the moshing.......turns out, people actually do this. My Lord, I saw a 50 year old man in there.....Completely insane. I couldn't tell you anything about the opening band, cause I was fixated on this scene developing below me.

Are you seeing the girls in there? This was just the beginning of it too, it was still daylight outside at this point so the lighting was just barely good enough to get a pic. I was beside myself. And lovingly draping myself all over The Man cause he was smart enough to make me a VIP.

Want to know why? Cause where that lovely little mosh pit started? Is EXACTLY where we were standing. Oh hell no.....

By this point, we were sweating so badly that my make up was gone. My hair was a rats' nest and The Man shucked his button down and stuck it in his back pocket, it was white t-shirt city.

There was a little break while they set the stage for my band, woohoo....... and it was during this time that another couple came into our booth. Two women who were doing some serious grabbing and petting. We just pretended that we didn't see them until one turned and looked straight at The Man and whispered "Hello there...."

Never seen a man move that fast, he immediately picked me up (literally) and put me between him and her, "Honey, she wants to talk to you...." the idiot then stuck her lip out and pouted. I'm proud to say that all I did was get in her face and point out "Private property" and she apologized, kissed her girlfriend and left. Interesting little side note there, but funny. The Man didn't find any humor in that at all.

The crowd filled up seriously at this point, while the house lights were still on, you could see that this place was packed.....hello, lovely little VIP booth. But once the concert started, 1/2 of this place was moshing and body surfing the crowd.......OMG
This was before we started stripping off clothing due to high heat........My dang hair went flat too, sigh.........can't have it all.
Oh wait, yea you can........Hello Flogging Molly. This is seriously how close to the stage we were in our little VIP booth. Seven band members, tons of instruments and wow, the best sound ever! It was a blast.......

And if you look really really hard, down by the accordion players might see my blue gum I accidentally spit on the stage, I was trying to whistle and it didn't work out well.....

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 10:01 AM

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Love the pat down, been there and it was not good.... Football season..
Love the bigfoot people at the cncert. You both looked hot.... Very hot you are.

Posted by Blogger BigestBrat @ 9:47 AM, July 21, 2008 #

VIP booth...way to go!

I would be freaked out by the whole experience....I guess I am too much of a hick, I wouldn't know how to act!

Posted by Blogger Frazzled Farm Wife @ 10:09 AM, July 21, 2008 #

OMG this so reminded me of the Green Day concert my brother and I took my daughter and her friends to for her bday. I transformed into a teenager again.
They were floor tickets and when we got there my brother had to take my son way up to the nose bleed area because it was to loud and to many people.
Needless to say, I had to literally fight off the posh pit from my daughter and her friends. Those people are ruthless. It was insane. But the concert was so good I dealt with it. It was the first time my daughter was exposed to pot too.

Posted by Blogger ♥ Becky ♥ @ 12:11 PM, July 21, 2008 #

Thanks for turning me on to a new band. I was clueless but spent the evening downloading - truley awesome.

Posted by Blogger Brad @ 12:16 AM, July 22, 2008 #

you crack me up girly..... loved it... good thinkin' on the VIP room!

Posted by Blogger The woman @ 12:38 PM, July 22, 2008 #
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