Friday, June 20, 2008
Kitchen, yeah there is no way this is what it looked like in my dreams...... Oh wait, it's starting to come together......I do so love me the face to face conversing seating. I have a fixation with it......but I'm sure other people do too.....right? I will get around to filling those bookshelves, I promise........first I have to find the boxes of books......hmmmm
Starting to see some promise in the kitchen too.......slowly
But the best part was watching my hubby, The Man sink our first ever brand new mailbox. Go hubby go........
Still going. He's very meticulous at his work. It doesn't help that I pointed out it wasn't up to postal code so he had to start over.........not the point at all...........
And still going..............OMG do you need some help?
Almost there........putting the finishing touches on..........
And what was I doing? Well I was sitting in the grass in my "I see London, I see France" pjs documenting this glorious experience so we can look back on it when we're 80. Maybe, just maybe when I point out that he was doing it wrong and it took almost an hour to do, he'll finally think it's funny.
Well it was funny..........Still waiting on internet service (we be in the boonies now) so will probably be back Monday morning, hopefully with full house shots of a beautiful and unpacked house.........
Labels: Eternal House Hunt, Married Life, The Never Ending Move
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Didn't he have any choice words for you telling him he was doing it wrong and taking pictures at the same time??!! LOL!
That unpacking just stinks but not quite as bad as all the packing. Looks like you have got quite a bit done already. It's looking good!
yay.... I'm starting to feel like I've been in your new house :) ....I can't wait to see you... you're still coming to Vegas right......
You're waaaaaay ahead of me. I'm too cowardly to post pictures of the mess I have. It felt so nice to see that someone else is living like I am right now too.
Late night blog wanderings here - I know I miss some of your posts. I still can't figure out why I can't get you url into google reader. Glad I came back to look around. The house was/is coming along fine. Cut your self some slack. Type to ya soon.