Thursday, June 26, 2008

Brace Yourself......

Supreme Court: There is a right to own guns

I personally try really hard to not censure myself on my blog. That is so not why I have a blog. I like to write, I like to throw it out there and then dust my hands off and say, well...take that. However, lately I've found myself really censuring what I write.

I do not write about my job or work -

1. Because I'm pretty sure that someone or someones (plural) have found my blog and now read it. If they have, that is cool and dandy with me, I really could care less. However, as much material as I could have for my blog from work.......I refuse to put it out there because I do like my paycheck.

2. Did I mention that I like my paycheck? Oh yeah, it pays the mortgage.......and buys me shoes, and furniture. Which is how my budget, shoes, furniture.

3. I find that work here is a completely different animal than I've ever experienced. Therefore I really can't do it because it would be hurtful to someone.......not me, but to others. Cause honestly, the stuff I hear and see......wouldn't come across lightly with puffy blue clouds and little chirping birds........get my drift?

I do not write about anything that I believe my mother would be ashamed to see on my blog -

Now keep in mind that beside being responsible for giving me life, she also knows me better than most and knows that I am 10,000 times worth than you could possibly perceive. But even she has limits......therefore I try to keep it somewhat you mom!

I do limit the amount of info I give about my kiddos......

Because therapy is expensive and I personally can't afford it when they are teenagers.


I realized this morning that I've neglected to really dig into some of my favorite conversations, so let's just clear the air.........I'm gonna embrace the Internet and throw it out there.

I own guns.

I have a conceal and carry license, meaning someone has deemed me well trained enough to pack heat.

I shoot as well as my husband.

I have no qualms about killing someone else if my life or the life of my family is in danger.

I have no problem defending myself in court afterwards either.

I believe that this nation was built upon very important things.....the two most important being the belief in God and the right to bear arms.

To me, the right to bear arms means so much......

I have the right to decide my own fate. I can protect myself and my family as I see fit. Whether that is 911 or using my own gun.

You have those same rights, it is your choice though. Freedom of choice is still freedom.

A co-worker of The Man's is from Asia. He is here training with their company. In his country, a private citizen is not allowed to own guns or even ammunition. Therefore the first thing they wanted to do was go targeting shooting with the other guys. He was absolutely amazed that our country allowed us the right to bear arms. And by the way, the violence statistics in his country are far heavier than ours, I believe this is because we as private citizens are free to defend ourselves, among other things.

I once was asked by a cop (kin of mine) if privately owning guns was smart. Studies have shown that your home can be more dangerous is you have a gun in the house.

My thoughts on that were formed over the past decade. So here you go.......people kill, not guns. It takes a finger and a brain before the trigger can do harm.

If you have guns in the home and you do not properly secure them from children........problem

If you have guns in the home and you do not properly secure them from break-ins......problem

But the point the cop made was this: you take away all the legal guns and there will still be guns....unregistered, illegal guns. In the hands of the bad guys. Good point.

I do have to make mention that guns are not used only for security in my house. We hunt, target shoot and such as well. My children have already been introduced to rifles and target shooting, as you have seen on this blog. We teach them to respect guns. We also teach them safety with guns at all times.

So, in spite of all the controversy over private ownership of guns.......

I'm really proud that the DC gun ban was dropped.

I might not live there, but once it starts, it will spread throughout our country.......

As Heston would say, "Pry it from my cold, dead hand"

*****Coming up after lunch: the baptist went to the BBQ

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 8:25 AM

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AMEN! Canada sucks! As private citizens we can't own a hand gun. We also have to register our rifles and get special permits to have more than 2 in our home. The government has seized and had people surrender thousand of weapons.... unarming the public while the crooks arm themselves... hmmm why are they too stupid to see that?

Posted by Blogger The woman @ 4:37 PM, June 26, 2008 #

you GO sista!!! AMEN!!

i too could have SOOO much more to write about, but i prefer my paycheck too. you might compare me to erin brokovich, minus the slutty clothes and potty mouth (sometimes.)
aaahhhh the world of law....good times...

Posted by Blogger Marchelle @ 2:15 PM, June 30, 2008 #
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