Sunday, April 06, 2008
Well this has been the most relaxing weekend I've had in a while. I must say, it's all because of the a big ole conference here in town in which all my neighbors are either attending or glued to their tv screens watching. Not me.
I took great pleasure in waking up at the butt crack of dawn yesterday, cleaning my entire house. Cooking breakfast for the people before I mercifully bully-ed them into my car and off to the mall we went.
It's spring shopping time. Meaning, the snow has just able left completely and the thick fleecy clothes my family has lived in for the past six months are no longer applicable. So it called for a mall trip.
Now by now you know I'm very much a shopper, I bargain hunt with the best of you guys. I do alot of piece mail ordering off the internet for things I need/want but don't have the time to comparison shop for out in town. However, spring and fall, I get my butt in gear and make a mall trip. Otherwise I'm the smart arse giving the finger to the mall as I pass by it the long way on the way to my precious Barnes & Nobles.
I hate the music they play there, I hate the way my kids want to live the entire visit in the Sanrio store, Hello Kitty is evil. I hate the way The Man sticks his finger in his eye socket and prods his brain every five minutes. I hate that Duchess, my bathroom connoisseur, has to check out every bathroom in every store we visit. I hate the smell of too many people in one room and I HATE the utter presence of that many other people.
But we had a lovely time. Probably cause due to said conference, the entire Mall was empty. We got front row parking. We weren't in the doors two minutes before Duchess needed a potty. So The Man and I staked out the men's section in front of said potty in Dillards where we got him some awesome browning shirts. He was grinning like a kid.
Note to self: always buy him something first........sweetens the mood.........
Off it was to the Children's Place where I'm a card carrying member, who has already hit her premier status for the year and will now get 10% off everything for the rest of the year, in addition to my coupons. Woohoo! Then it was the cookie store, then Sanrio, then Penney's.
Penney's took the longest as Princess needed new undershirts for school and she's at that size where you have to try everything on to see what will fit. But man on man, I realized something new about that kid, she has a major shoe her momma. The kid found some awesome ballet flats on sale in all these different colors, and when I say sale, I mean 3.49 each. She got five pairs. Oh yeah baby, let's bargain shop.
We managed to leave the mail after another visit to Sanrio where they spent most of their Easter money (thanks grandma/grandpa) and we headed to BN. Princess and I made a mad dash in, her to spend the rest of her money on a Geronimo Stilton book and me to stock up for the week (yeah, I'm that pathetic, it's my only hobby!) So The Man and Duchess were gonna wait in the car as it was getting nasty outside.
I finally got me some books and found Princess trying to decide between her books when opps, my phone rings. Not just any call, it's ringing that special ringtone that means, The Man is hunting you down.
"Um, hello hi, I know it's taking forever, but we're checking out right now......" all said in like two I juggle books and motion for Princess to make a decision RIGHT NOW.
It got weird then cause it was very clear, but there was an echo when I heard him say, "No you're not"........
Opps busted, he was standing behind me. But luckily he was grinning. He knows how I am. Sigh, I never lie and when I do, I lie badly, so I guess I had that one coming.
Since Duchess had needed a run on the BN bathroom, he helped us schlep all the books to the counter and didn't say a word, just raised one eyebrow at my total.......hey, I was only .49 over budget.
The ride home was lovely because there was very few people on the freeways and I realized if this town was like this all the time, I could live here forever. Sigh......I hate the big city and I am kinda glad we don't live in the thick of it.
But I got home with bags upon bags of goodies. Spent an hour removing tags and peeling size strips off everything. Then washing it all. Now if I could get off my butt and move it from my loveseat up the stairs to the bedrooms, I'd be rocking. But I found a new series to read, oh yum......
So if you're wondering where I am or what I'm doing. I have the first four books and the other two are in the is good.
Labels: Shopping, Welcome to the Boonies
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Ha ha.....that said conference. Too funny - must be a quiet place if you're not LDS! Good days to go shopping (and do anything else for that matter)!! We watched it on TV here too - my dh hooked the laptop to the tv so we didn't have to stare at the computer for 2 hours at a time! It beats having to watch 3 kids at the church.