Friday, April 25, 2008

Hard Knock Life

We are all about our girls. Them and their activities are what life is about. We work to fuel that. So I shouldn't be surprised when things just keep adding to the list. A long time ago, the Man and I sat down and really looked at the people around us. Those people who had kids, we measured and we noted. What we found didn't really surprise us, the kids that were active, involved and busy were the ones that were going places. They made the grades, had good friends and were growing into good people. It didn't hurt that there was discipline in the house either.

So that was what we were gonna do. Heaven help me, what was I thinking.

It started when Princess was in preschool, besides that we added mom and me ballet. Um, big joke. So then it was tots gymnastics. That was fun. The Man was often deployed so I got used to making time and meeting the needs of her activities on my own. Then we added softball, then soccer and then Duchess came along. Once again I just adjusted our schedule strapped my baby to my chest and off we went. I became the master at crockpot dinners and quick healthy meals and we continued.

As we evolved into the fam you know today, I'm really comfortable with the juggling act. Especially since The Man and I now share the duties of carpool and drop off duties. In fact, Thursday are all him, he starts with bus run then goes through choir and ballet all before dinner. Princess has stayed busy. Even so, her grades are better than ever, we work homework first and push for a clean room even if we don't get it.

But when is it too much? Hopefully not soon. Today we added voice lessons. Cause I'm a bad mom. My kid can't carry a tune in a bucket yet she is in choir. Turns out the new lady at work teaches voice on the side, she's a choir director at her church too. Get down! So after chatting, I scheduled my kid for 30 minutes a week for a month to see how it would roll.

Princess dreams of her shot on American Idol. I dream of fuzzy padded earmuffs. We broke her karaoke machine for a reason. So in addition to choir, girl scouts, ballet and speed stacking club, we're adding voice lessons. Cause maybe just maybe, we can outgrow tone deafness and work our way to normal singing voice.

Our goal now is to get Duchess involved in something other than tv land. She's very active there but so far not so much interested in anything else........except Karate. Thanks to the Photo-Elusive-Step-Dad, she wants to be a karate superhero. The Man is currently running down pricing on that in our area. But otherwise......not so no thank you (literally that is what she says, that polite little stinker) dance? no, too slow and boring (this was proven during her trial class when she was more interested in spinning in her tutu) choir? too little, dang. So we're hoping to get her started soon.......

Cause honestly, The Man and I aren't sure what we would do without an activity every day of the week after school/work. Really, what else in the world could we possibly do? I wouldn't trade this for nothing.

Except maybe successful voice lessons......

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 8:06 PM

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OK, now I need a nap just from reading this.

Posted by Blogger Brad @ 4:08 PM, April 30, 2008 #
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