Tuesday, February 05, 2008
PS: Stop the Snow....
Back to normal, knock on wood, everyone is healthy. We're happy and moving right along. Oh and it's STILL snowing. I keep wondering what I'll do when I have my very own house and to worry about things like driveways, sidewalks and yards. Oh wait, I have a driveway and a sidewalk......and a special studly man to keep them clear.
Okay I'm so lying cause we actually bet on everything now so that the loser has to shovel. (He lost the bet on how much the groceries would total at the checkout register.....I said 180 and he went 160 so I was a shoo-in.....) So here he is shoveling, the reason I've been slack on my blogging is that all the other days, I'm the one out there shoveling. I am thinking of saving my birthday money for a snowblower.
Although look at what a good job he goes. Maybe I don't need to waste my money...... Seriously, everyone keeps telling us that this is the worst winter they can remember but I'm constantly surprised at how surprised that they are by this. Hello, it's the mountains, and we're high up and it's kinda the boonies.......get a grip, it's gonna snow.
So here are some observations about a shit load of snow, just in case you've had the pleasure of living in Florida for your whole life, or San Diego, in which case, I hate you cause I miss San Diego badly. Anyway, here are some facts that could save your life, or the life of your car.....
1. Snow turns to ice when it's cold enough, which is slicker than snot. DO NOT SPEED
2. In the event of a snow storm, put on your lights.....don't be that guy
3. If you are that guy, don't be surprised by the number of people yelling out their windows at you when they pass
4. In the event of a white-out, pull over somewhere safe, smoke your ciggies, leave your car running and stay warm. Call everyone you know on your cell so they'll keep you company.
5. Always have an extra pack in the carand a 12 pack of Dr. Peppers in the trunk , in case of white-outs
6. If it's Sunday, forget driving unless you own a 4x4......seriously the snow plow drivers are at church all day and the roads, well good luck if you can find the road.
7. Save all of your summer pool toys, they make great snow toys. Especially the tubes.
8. When the sun comes out, the temp rises to 20 degrees and the roads heat up, you have what is regionally known as soup. It's slicky, mushy and it's harder to drive on than ice. Scootch along.
9. Brake early.....real early.....before you can see your turn, break.....
Notice that this mound is taller than the truck next to it? This is over by my mom's house. She lives closer to the big mountain than I do. Lucky ducky got about 8 more inches than we did.
Labels: Welcome to the Boonies
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The snow looks LOVELY! Seriously. We got a few flurries last Saturday - but only enough to line the cars and a bit against the house. As soon as the sun was up - it all melted within the hour.
I love snow.
And I'm not 'that guy'. I break early;).