Sunday, January 06, 2008
Painful Separation
This past week, my mom and the photo-elusive stepdad moved into their own place in town. The lucky duckies now live right off main street and can walk to everywhere I dream about on a regular basis. So in between finishing the holidays, returning to work and school, we've been packing and helping them move.Since The Man borrowed some friends for the heavy lifting, I was able to coax them into moving my whole office (desk, equip, bookshelves full of trashy romance novels and etc) back down to the basement, that was empty again. This meant unhooking and losing wireless connection in my house. I've been a lost soul floating along in a sea of despair, however, I was soon to have an office.
I missed Britney's breakdown, I missed the storm warnings that came in before we got pelted. I missed it all. Not to mention email and blogging.
However, after a painful separation, I'm back baby. Today, The Man restored my faith in his capable skills by splicing together the necessary cords needed to connect my wireless connection, finally....... God Bless this man and his handy self!
So to catch you up to speed, my dear devoted thirteen readers, almost all of you comprised of former or current military wives who refuse to create a login name and actual comment on my whit and humor (oh and of course, mom .... hi mom~) I'll give you the blessed highlights of my past week and a half.
Princess had a playdate with a good friend of hers from school, who other than the fact that she calls here way too often, I suppose is cool enough. Except during dinner, Duchess announces when I gave her a second helping of juice that "You're the bestest mom every.......really, I bet *****'s mom is a bad mom". There really are no words for that. The poor kid was complimenting her mom and got the shut down by dad for being rude. Sigh, really there is no appreciation for outspoken, honest people.
Duchess had developed a nasty habit of never flushing the toliet. Ever. No matter what goes in it. Ever. There is nothing like waking up and going to my bathroom (which is one of four in this house people, four!) located directly off my bedroom, to find stuff.........that has sat over night. I'm not gonna tell you how badly I gaged, but I was proud that I didn't toss my cookies. The sad part of that is the fact that during the night, rather than go right outside her bedroom door in the hall to her bathroom, she went through my room to mine. Geez. Compound this by the fact that during the next 24 hours, I come upon two other "surprises" and I've about had it. I actually caught The Man waiting outside the bathroom door so it scared the sh*t out of her to open the door and there he is, waiting with Lysol, hand sanitizer and a terse reminder to "flush the freaking toliet". The only justice in this is the fact that my mom calls after Duchess had been over to "see" the new place and "help" unpack with the news that Duchess obviously feels right at home in the new place, she didn't flush there either.
I am the proud owner of a bowflex now. The Man bought it off a friend for a steal, literally less than I spend on his Christmas present, so my office is now the office/gym. Cause that dirty beast is huge! However, it's kinda hot watching him get all excited and trying to show me all it'll do and how it'll change my life. It's kinda like how I get when there is a purse sale. I've sat on it and petted it once but haven't yet gotten down and dirty, i.e. sweated on it yet. I'll keep you posted as I soon hope to get in some rowing on that bad boy.
The Man and Princess had an event afternoon of attempting to rid us of the dead dried out Christmas tree, Steve. Since our "town" is so new, they have no place to rid yourself of the eyesore that is after Christmas debris so they took it up the mountain with a friend and his tree to "drop" it off somewhere they wouldn't get a stinking ticket. That went fine and dandy until the road they were 4x4ing up disappeared and they slid down a 30 foot bank into soft fresh snow. Well, by the time they called me to report in safely, they'd managed to finally get out, with no damage to the tree or persons aboard. The Man was flushed with success and the redneck in him was thrilled at the outcome. Seems they put "Steve" and guest tree under the back wheels for traction and the climbed up and out finally. Princess was given the task of steering while the pushing was taking place in neutral. My kid now is all about 4x4 things. My little redneck princess in the making. This brings up the question.... does this shit happen to anyone else or just us? Why can't we just go and drop off a tree?
The only other news worthy item is the fact that my house is immaculate and I'm thrilled to say that my landlord (after meeting me in person for the first time and seeing my home) called me anal. That just made my day.
I think you're good and caught up now. Normal broadcasting will continue.......
Labels: About me, family smamily, girls, Great Parenting 101, idiots, The Man
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Only to you my dear.... only to you! LOL! You really do make my day when I get to read your blog!
Glad that you are up and running again!
I am not sure what to tell you about the "flushing" problem, never had to deal with kids were always pretty good but that would drive me nuts too!
Bowflex baby! I want one!
I have to agree...only to you, baby...only to you!
Except for the toilet thing. My daughter did the same thing for years.