Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Odd Overview

Things a little hectic and I find myself stressing out over things I can't possibly change. Gonna try some armchair pysch stuff here and solve my own problems....once we exam them....cause I'm OCD like that

The worrywart part of me thinks: Still paranoid about not fitting in at work......each week I breath deeply on Friday cause I got no pink slip:

The intelligent part of me says: First off, I'm blessed and have a great job. I make a good living doing what I'm best at, I'm somebody (or in this case, seven somebodies) right hand. I do things before they know they need them. That is my job. I have access to work from home, they completely DO NOT expect me to be there if I'm sick or my kids are sick, I'm a mom first. This is why I get three weeks sick leave a year. Dang. That is alot. True I'm not really the normal employee, the other girls are unmarried and younger than me. They are only waiting until they marry, that is what work is, a purgatory if you will for them. They are not so inclined to overachieve. I'm used to overachievers. The men I work for are great. They are always interested in my family and my hubs and they apologize for interrupting me so that they can give me work. Blessed I tell you. What is my problem? Not real sure.

The worrywart wonders: Why is the housing market dropping so dang much so fast.

The smart me says: Who cares, enjoy it cause eventually you'll be ready in oh say June when you're lease is up to purchase your first home. Be happy in other's misfortune. Damn that part of me is cruel.

The worrywart reminds me: What is the 15% expected drop continues after you purchase. Then you'll be up the creek, losing money right away? WTF? Do we continue to lease? ARGH...

Again, smart me says: Welcome to the club.....unless you're magic eightball gives you a surprise answer, you're now in the same boat as most Americans. Deal with it.

Dumbfounded me asks: How can any ole idiot put stuff on your credit report?

Smart me says: Hello stupid, you wrote legal briefs for four years, put that knowledge to work and start a letter writing campaign to said idiots. Then file suit if you have to, duh.... I'm not sure who (*&^%%^**( is but they used my social and ran up a nice fat electric bill somewhere that just popped up on my report. And it's a dude. Hello I'm obviously a chick. I'd even let a rep from this company peek down my oh so proper shirt to verify this if they would only remove that crap. Oh no, it takes an act of congress to remove it, even if it's not yours. My advice to you, watch your credit reports. We ignored ours for ten years, then hello fraud.......now I can't.

Furious me wants to know: why my kids classmates were making fun of her cause she was a different religion than them? We're Baptist by the by.....in case you were wondering....

Then pissed off me: kept picking up the phone to call said parents of said little turds and then kept putting the phone down cause I'm totally the wrong person to try and talk tolerance when I'm pissed off, especially when they made my kid cry. So I did the smart thing, I called my father-in-law and he talked to my kid and then gave me a much needed lecture in keeping my temper reined in. So I'm better, until I think about it then I grit my teeth and want to pull somebody's hair out. (Warning: soapbox ahead) See cause I'm tolerant, I have had friends of all religions, even one who had no religion. I respect everyone's right yet at times I do minister to those when my heart leads me to do so. (even if doing so makes me feel hypocritical, cause I'm a sinner and even though I love the Lord, I feel like I'm wearing a big ole neon sign that screams SINNER even while speaking of the blessings I experience) so it bothers me when I run into ignorance. Because that is what it is, it's ignorance people. And it's scary when you teach that to your kids.......hello........(getting off soapbox now)

Parental me asks: Why one kid will not eat to save her life and the other is constantly hungry. This is a new thing in my house and I'm beside myself with worry. One keeps getting told by strangers and friends alike how lovely and slender she is...............why would you tell a nine year old how slender she is? What is wrong with you if you do? The other one is asking for food constantly.

Dr. Spock via the Internet parent assures me: That the little one must be in a growth spurt and it's normal for her to have a hungry phase, really, just healthy food and not alot of junk. That causes a great big DUH to escape my lips. The other, well I'm just gonna have to make sure she is eating cause a part of me is worried that she isn't because she knows she's slender. I'm sure nine is too young for that, and I'm sure I'm being paranoid, but I have had some experience with the whole controlling your weight by not eating thing. So I'll just keep watching that and tempt her with yummy healthy snacks packed with nutrients.

So there, I feel better doing my little purge. These are all the thoughts that were rattling around in my head today. OH I almost forgot a big one.......

Today at work a coworker's messenger got infected with a virus when she was chatting. Which sent it to all our us on her messenger, turns out my new desktop comp at work had no anti-virus which allowed the bug into our network. So I'm trying not to feel bad (cause hello, I didn't know) cause my comp managed to infect the entire company network. Hello........pink slip anyday now.

This is where I chant, stress is no good. Stress is no good.

Does anyone else stress about stuff that they really can't DO anything about?

Oh and it's snowing again.......damn

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Posted by Hope4Grace @ 5:10 PM

Recent thoughts!

When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

Cast of Hope4Grace


Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


Duchess, my 8 year old "baby"


Murphy, our little man

I LUV nosy peeps!

My Girls


I Have A Sick Sense of Humor!


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  • Gas, Taboo #2
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