Beating the Texas heat....and trying to correct my redneck tan! Such is my life.
'Southern girl finally settled back in the bible belt, making the best of an imperfect life...normal is boring!
We Live For Softball
H4G Facts
1. This past March, I finally got my tattoo, I am now complete
2. Dave and me - 15 freaking years yo
3. I want to be a sniper when I grow up!
4. Gluten free, cause I have to be
5. I am a licensed gun owner and basic gun nut
6. I've given up heels for flats and cowboy boots
7. My girls are my everything
8. Have no clue what my natural hair color is anymore
9. Born and raised in the sticks of Louisiana
10. My mother is my hero!
Texas Traffic
My mini-me
Light My Fire
Back When We Were Young
Back When They Were Babies
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween and All the Drama
So the girls benefit from having their Mims nearby....cause she is WAY more creative than I am....I create things by throwing money at the problem and purchasing what I need....she creates.....she (shudder) scrapbooks.....something that I have nightmares about, cause that is way too create for me.
So this year she helped the girls create little gifts for their classmates.......go Mims....cutsey cups of candy, I'm scared to think of what Christmas will bring..... So this is what I walked into after work......where I was tasked with planning our work party for the kids of my company, yeah parties rock...
Does Duchess look like she's having fun here? She was mad cause it wasn't her turn, she gets that from me........Cup anyone?
So Princess is a witch, this is impressive for us because up until now she's always been a Disney princess, I should have bought stock in that company years ago......I support their bad habits with all my spending. But I digress, so she's a fashion witch.......yeah fashion.....hee hee..... Until I get the automated call today from the school encouraging my child to "wear a MORAL costume that is GOOD in nature and doesn't exploit the dark side" Well crap, so I'm sending her with a pink boa, is that GOOD enough?
Duchess is trying for my throne.....she's a queen, I think she makes a lovely queen, don't you? She was very concerned about having queen hair.... plus she has on more jewelery than I own...I'm actually impressed with the effort she put forth this year........cause last year we was Snow White, hello.......Disney...
So while my girls are rocking their lovely outfits and hair, I'm gonna dress up as a bobby socker, with my man's white dress shirt, rolled up pants and pigtails, go me..........
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Wow - awesome gifts for classmates! That's a lot of work! Cute girls.
What part of the country are you in? Gorgeous pix of your mountain!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!