Thursday, October 18, 2007

1. What kind of SOAP is in your bathtub right now?

The only kind my freakishly sensitive skin can hang with: Olay

2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?

No, but at a recent fancy arse anniversary dinner I got served a palate cleanser shotglass of watermelon juice with pureed pineapples, yum......just needed booze......

3. What would you change about your living room?

I would add more little homey touches, more baskets and wood vases and accents. But I have a horrible fear of dusting so it's a little sparse.....

4. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?

Clean, I'm horribly anal about my kitchen (I can't wait to see what ads pop up for that phrase)

5. What is in your fridge?

Everything! Stuff for lasanga, homemade soup, veggies and salad dressing, lemonaide pie, left over taco salad fixings and milk/soda/juice of every kind.

6. White or wheat bread?

Kids will only eat the freakishly white wonder bread, but I prefer the grainy wheat bread

7. What is on top of your refrigerator?

A wooden picnic basket filled with medicines and first aid stuff

8. What color or design is on your shower curtain?

Glass shower doors

9. How many plants are in your home?

Two little ones on my mantle over the fireplace that I haven't managed to kill.... yet

10. Is your bed made right now?

Yes, but The Man and Princess are discussing the "Pull My Finger" game.......I'm stripping the bed asap

11. Comet or Soft Scrub?

Scrubbing Bubbles baby!

12. Is your closet organized?

Only in my wildest dreams

13. Can you describe your flashlight?

I'm pretty sure that we have alot of those around here but I can't recall.......

14. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?

We started off with plastic, cause we were poor ole military folks....then we got a little money and went to glass.....then our kids got old enough to fed themselves and we went back to plastic, which didn't stop me from purchasing The Man some special super duper sized man glasses and then breaking each one all plastic, cause we're classy

15. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?

Sweet tea is a must here.....we make three pitchers a day.......which explains why we all run around like we're on crack all day

16. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?

No, our garage is perfectly organized and tasteful...I could entertain in there it's so stinking nice. The Man refuses to allow anything to be out of place there..... it's his domain

17. Curtains or blinds?

Blinds in every room, curtains over the big arse open polar bear's arse of a window in my dining room and livingroom.......cause it snows here and I lose heat.....and I'm a freak cause that drives me nuts, the meer thought of losing precious heat.....

18. How many pillows do you sleep with?

1 if I'm lucky, The Man is a pillow stealer

19. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?

Nite-lights everywhere, freaking kids!

20. How often do you vacuum?

As little as possible

21. Standard toothbrush or electric?


22. What color is your toothbrush?

Pink for me, orange for The Man (he stole my extra), Barbie for Duchess and Princess lost hers and has been sneaking mine, gross.......

23. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?

Yep, a lovely thick one with the fleur-de-lis design....I love that design, you'll find it often in my house.

24. What is in your oven right now?

A cast iron skillet

25. Is there anything under your bed?

A bow case, some dust bunnies and Christmas gifts

26. Chore you hate doing the most?

Dusting....thinking about it makes me ill

27. What retro items are in your home?

The pie safe in my dining room (hi mom), the crockery on it, the pottery in my livingroom, oh crap, alot.......

28. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?

We did but it's now in my bedroom as we lost of office when my mom and the photo elusive step-dad moved into the apartment in my basement....however, my next house will have an office.....I swear.....

29. How many mirrors are in your home?

A ton, my dining room is decorated in antique mirrors.......they are in every room

30. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?

Money, extra money? What's that? I have a kid in the Nutcracker and a hunter in the house....I don't have extra money?

31. What color are your walls?

The entire house is a pale lovely butter color......nice

32. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?

None of your business, but we'll NEVER belong to PETA so I guess that answers your question.

33. What does your home smell like right now?

I have a sick kid, does that bring a smell to mind? Seriously the house smells like creme burlee, thanks to my Circle E candles.......shipped all the way from TEXAS!

34. Favorite candle scent?

Read #33

35. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?

Sweet bread and butter

36. What color is your favorite Bible?

The color of good warm whiskey........that's wrong isn't it?

37. Ever been on your roof?

Not this house....but every other house I've lived in as the military housing requires that you clean the outside of 2nd and 3rd story windows......I'm surprised I've lived this long

38. Do you own a stereo?

Yeah, we have two....the really nice one was in the garage for the longest...The Man's domain

39. How many TVs do you have?

The kids share on (hello discipline tool), we have one in our room and the living room. I really want one in the kitchen........then I'd be spoiled to the max!

40. How many house phones?

3 portables that I can never find......just leave a message, I'll call you back eventually

41. Do you have a housekeeper?

Hang on, I'm trying to catch my breath, you're funny......

42. What style do you decorate in?

Think King Ranch style meets Bonanza

43. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?

Solid colors.......always

44. Is there a smoke detector in your home?

Every are you staking out my place?

45. In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip?

My babies and my purse...the rest is replaceable.......I can't help that I am in love with my sweet sweet Brighton purse, it was a gift........come to think of it, so were my babies.....thank you give lasting gifts........


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:04 PM

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You totally cracked me up today....great answers!

Posted by Blogger Frazzled Farm Wife @ 10:32 AM, October 19, 2007 #
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