Beating the Texas heat....and trying to correct my redneck tan! Such is my life.
'Southern girl finally settled back in the bible belt, making the best of an imperfect life...normal is boring!
We Live For Softball
H4G Facts
1. This past March, I finally got my tattoo, I am now complete
2. Dave and me - 15 freaking years yo
3. I want to be a sniper when I grow up!
4. Gluten free, cause I have to be
5. I am a licensed gun owner and basic gun nut
6. I've given up heels for flats and cowboy boots
7. My girls are my everything
8. Have no clue what my natural hair color is anymore
9. Born and raised in the sticks of Louisiana
10. My mother is my hero!
Texas Traffic
My mini-me
Light My Fire
Back When We Were Young
Back When They Were Babies
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Reason I Moved Here
Hello seasons, I missed.....especially while living in the hot humid armpit of the United States for three years and then another year recently in the sunny sunshine of eternal blonde ambition. However, moving here was so worth it. Hello Fall! It's been awhile and I sure missed you.
So this past week the four girls went on a roadtrip. My mom, me and my girls. Something we don't do often enough, we got up and headed out pretty early. Heading up in the mountains..... it was the perfect morning, crisp and beautiful. The girls love to hike in the mountains, and they tolerated mom and I when we got hysterical......which is often.
Mom and Duchess were partners on our walk. They kept together, so nobody got lost. Plus in case Duchess slid down, mom was there to break her fall....
My partner, Princess, left me often. Probably didn't help that I took 140 pictures (seriously) on our little trip. It was absolutely fab...but I got left, often. Apparently I'm not a good partner. But wow, what a gorgeous day.
Since mom and I were together, I felt honor bound to carry on some of her traveling traditions.... like the one where you send your sweet, unexpecting kid way off in the distance and then run like crazy to the car, slam the doors, crank the engine and lower the windows, screaming GO GO GO to the driver.... the kid is quick, we didn't even have it in drive before she was crawling in the backseat, what a studette..... who can carry a grudge with the best of them!
Here are my girls doing what they do best, being sisters. I love these shots.... they melt my heart. These are frame worthy and rare occassions of utter peace and no hairpulling.
I mentioned peace didn't I? Well okay it didn't last..... this isn't what it seems, cause it sure looks like Princess is pushing Duchess into the water, but Duchess was determined to "feel" the water so this was them holding on for dear life as she plunged forward.
In the end, three generations of strong, talkative and persistant women spending a day together in the middle of nowhere? Priceless.........
Beautiful Pics! I love the one of the girls walking hand in hand. Definitely frame worthy.... Did you got one like that of their entire bodies? I had 3 photo shoots this weekend.
Posted by The Canadian @ 4:21 PM, October 01, 2007 #
What an absolutely beautiful place for a walk!!! I miss the fall colors. South Texas leaves a lot to be desired, but I do enjoy the mild temperatures!
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What an awesome day! I really love all the photos you looks so gorgeous where you were and the kids are so adorable!
Making memories!
Beautiful Pics! I love the one of the girls walking hand in hand. Definitely frame worthy.... Did you got one like that of their entire bodies? I had 3 photo shoots this weekend.
What an absolutely beautiful place for a walk!!! I miss the fall colors. South Texas leaves a lot to be desired, but I do enjoy the mild temperatures!
I love the tri-head tilt. Very sweet. Your girls are just lovely and that place looks straight out of a fairy tale!