Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Oh My Goodness! What did I do?
This is how my day went....Had a hiring session, did a ton of paperwork, had some birthday cake (not for me yet) and tried not to freak about the uneasy feeling regarding the job opportunity that I missed out on, by choice yes, but still missed.
Then you'll remember that I applied for a job out of spite, cause I'm petty like that y'all. It made me feel better so there! Na-nana-na-nah
So this is the call from The Man today....
"Urgh, you had a call"
"I had a what?" (I never get calls, no one calls me ever!)
"It woke me up"
"Who cares, what did they want? A paper subscription? A donation?"
"An interview"
"Holy Sh*t"
"Yeah, what is going on"
So I filled him in and when I told him the ridiculous amount I put down as the minimum salary I would accept in my cover letter, he choked, dropped the phone and had to go spit. Sexy, I know but true.
Soooo I have an interview tomorrow as soon as I get off work.
What have I done?????
Labels: About me
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YOu are doing right. YOu are going to be fine just go in like you own that place and know that you are worth every penny you ask for and more. Be confident! I know you will be fine. Queen been you always get worked up over this stuff and why? Only to make you poop and hurt that is why. So stop it.
Well I just had to comment on that. So knock them dea girl!
I will be cocky momma!
OMG, this is hilarious!!
What do ya bet you end up getting that freaking ridiculous pay?!
I need a job. A stay at home job. Seriously. Any ideas? Legit ideas.
Lemme know.