Beating the Texas heat....and trying to correct my redneck tan! Such is my life.
'Southern girl finally settled back in the bible belt, making the best of an imperfect life...normal is boring!
We Live For Softball
H4G Facts
1. This past March, I finally got my tattoo, I am now complete
2. Dave and me - 15 freaking years yo
3. I want to be a sniper when I grow up!
4. Gluten free, cause I have to be
5. I am a licensed gun owner and basic gun nut
6. I've given up heels for flats and cowboy boots
7. My girls are my everything
8. Have no clue what my natural hair color is anymore
9. Born and raised in the sticks of Louisiana
10. My mother is my hero!
Texas Traffic
My mini-me
Light My Fire
Back When We Were Young
Back When They Were Babies
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Never Again Mommy, Never Again
Recently my wonderful, photo-elusive step-dad and my mom were home with Duchess. While preparing dinner, he volunteered to allow Duchess to share in the joy that is home cooking. They made biscuits from scratch as well as fried eggplant (did I mention we're country people?). Here is Duchess carefully coating the eggplant before he fried them. This takes skill people, not to mention she swept up the mess she made on the floor, that takes guts! Cornmeal on a wood floor sucks!
Here she is carefully filling the measuring cup with flour. As the photo-elusive step-dad (heehee, what he doesn't know what hurt him) is captured by Mimi as he patiently allows Duchess to assist. Also not saying a word when she coated the entire front of him with flour....
The simple joy of the overall experience brought forth conversation all evening:
Mom, I need my very own cookbook (said while piggy tails were flopping as she bounced in place)
Daddy, I'm a big girl now and I cook so mommy never has to cook, ever ever again (I am fond of this promise, I have it on video, three times)
This biscuit is for you daddy, I only dropped it three times
I love that my kids are learning the good tradition value of artery blocking, cholesterol raising deep fried Southern goodness that is cooking from scratch.
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