Thursday, May 03, 2007

Cause We're Just Cool

Some people strive for perfection, some strive for success, others strive for love....we at the royal house, we're striving for grace. That and we're striving to just be cool. We got this baby!

The Man is the coolest ever. As you can tell from his snarky sense of humor. Not only that but he makes that headband look good! Not every man can accessorize like this, I credit living in a house full of estrogen.

Me, well I'm just cool cause .... I am. Here's me working my brand new purse from my best friend! Thanks girl, you spoil me and I'm not sure I'm worth it but lets pretend I am. :) Besides how cool is it that I can totally ignore the toys and clothes on the floor.
That is coolness.... life is about living.... toys, clutter and accessories...
Bring it on!


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:34 PM

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You know.... you could hide a body in that purse!!!!

Posted by Blogger The woman @ 12:00 AM, May 04, 2007 #

That is the whole idea darling! See you are catching onto my eviiiiiiiil plan! (insert witch laugh here)

Posted by Blogger Hope4Grace @ 8:09 AM, May 04, 2007 #

You shoulda put your new scarf on and modeled it with your new purse!


Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 10:00 AM, May 04, 2007 #

Love your blog! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:52 PM, May 04, 2007 #

Oh Tiger, I took the picture before I got the purse...scarf picture coming soon!!!!!! Cause it makes me look HOT.

Posted by Blogger Hope4Grace @ 7:37 PM, May 04, 2007 #
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