Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sleep Sleep and More Sleep

Since I'm out of school for now, what do you think I've been doing with that extra 2 hours each night?

Sleep, Sleep and more Sleep. Yawn. Personally I think I look much better for it too! Plus, see the above proof, I've been getting up early enough to actually feed my children before they leave the house for school. I rock!!!!

Otherwise the mom and step-dad are enroute people. They are expected in less than 2 days. I'm finishing up their rooms downstairs and trying to remember to buy more groceries. Except I just want a nap, lol.

The Man just spent his first full week at home. What a blessing. More dirty clothes seem to be the only downside. I could get used to this.

However, I will note that next week I get to go on my first recruiting trip, a one day out of towner. Very exciting times folks! I'm so loving my job. Wish me luck!


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 8:06 PM

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You definitely rock if you're getting up early enough to fix breakfast for them! I'm TERRIBLE about getting up early enough for anything cooked. I can only manage to just drag myself outta bed long enough to make sure they have school clothes on - a bowl of cereal in front of them - and a subsequent brush of their teeth.

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 4:09 AM, April 06, 2007 #

I've nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award. Consider yourself tagged:).

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:46 PM, April 07, 2007 #
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Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


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