Having just moved to a new state, new city and new house to go to school, I worked evenings/graveyard at the local Texaco Mart. It was a glamorous job but the quiet evenings in the predominately old people neighborhood gave me time to study for my entrance exams. One night about 9 p.m., a 1970ish pale pink BroughamCadillac pulled in to gas up. This thing is a din-o-saur! Big, beautiful and in great shape. Holy cow! This is not a normal sight, even in the blue haired neighborhood!
The guy gets out, puts his cowboy hat on (people we were in the middle of the freaking rodeo/bible belt area, is to be expected. Dare ye not laugh!) and tells his DATE to find a song on the radio while he gases us. He gased his car....then came inside to wash his hands. To do this, he had to walk in, pass the counter where I was attempting not to throw myself across (I hated men at this point) and walk back to the bathroom.
I held my composure till his back was to me, then I was literally laying on the counter, chin in hand watching those Wranglers walk on....I mean him, walk on. Little did I know that the frosted door on the beer cooler next to the bathroom was essentially a mirror. Opps. He knew I was drooling, how pathetic was I?
He left, with his DATE and then an hour later returned. ALONE. He bought some smokes and then smiled at me and left. LEFT!
Then the phone rang not too long afterwards. A really pissy guy wanted to know how much our 40 weight oil was. Well crap, I looked all over the store, when I told him we didn't have that, he asked if we had some in storage, cause he needed it. So out I go to the storage. Nope, then pissy guy starts laughing. It's pink caddie man, and no that is not his usual ride, it's his grandmas. Oh and it was years before he told me that there is no such oil.
The calls came a little more frequent as did the visits then one night, he asked if he could drop by my house the next day when I was off work. Okay, no prob. Then he left before I could tell him where I lived. So I totally DID NOT sit up all night fretting cause I wanted to see him, but refused to call him. I have never been that desperate people! Yet, I did shave my legs, cause who knows? Right.
Yet the next day, at precisely 11 am, my screen door opened and in walked The Man. I pulled a knife on him, he kissed me. Ahhhhhhhh happy bliss. Except, how did he find me? Oh yeah, seems he parked in the parking lot each night and watched me walk home. It bothered him that I didn't have a car in the lot so he "kept guard". Guard, stalker? He meant well, I think.
A year and a half later, The Man joined the Navy. Then we married as soon as he got out of bootcamp, yep, we were those people. :) But I had him before the Navy. Fast forward eleven years and here we are.
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Aww, one look at you and the chemistry was on fire! lol
The family photo is beautiful. I love the girls smiles;).
I love the story. It's so funny when we think about the time we met our men and what their presence did to us! Hey does the man know you have a blog? I love reading the updates. Later.
Found my way here via "Ree" and I'm going to do my best to remember how I got here (you read The Pioneer Woman today so I know you'll understand)
Congratulations on the job!!
Nice family. Nice blog. Nice life. Enjoyed my stay and will be back! :-)
Love the picture of him working and the family picture....those girls are so sweeeeeeet, all 3 of them ;)