Beating the Texas heat....and trying to correct my redneck tan! Such is my life.
'Southern girl finally settled back in the bible belt, making the best of an imperfect life...normal is boring!
We Live For Softball
H4G Facts
1. This past March, I finally got my tattoo, I am now complete
2. Dave and me - 15 freaking years yo
3. I want to be a sniper when I grow up!
4. Gluten free, cause I have to be
5. I am a licensed gun owner and basic gun nut
6. I've given up heels for flats and cowboy boots
7. My girls are my everything
8. Have no clue what my natural hair color is anymore
9. Born and raised in the sticks of Louisiana
10. My mother is my hero!
Texas Traffic
My mini-me
Light My Fire
Back When We Were Young
Back When They Were Babies
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Times They Are A Changing...
Well we finally got news that the man's terminal chit has been signed, for non-military folks that means that in less than 3 weeks, The Man goes on his 30 days prior to drop dead date leave. Yep, it's swiftly approaching. No word on the fabo job The Man wants (unless you count the HR is behind and we're trying to get your stuff done). So looks like The Man is heading off to Utah next week for a long standing interview with a big arse company (the name is probably somewhere on the outside of your computer). Problem! Problem you ask. Yes, problem. The Man is not thrilled about this job but is determined to go get it. My Man is an outdoors kinda of guy, and this is a labrat indoors kind of job. Can you say MISERABLE? But, it's a job and a great job at that. Needless to say, we are praying the other job calls first. Then he has the backup job here. However, we don't want to stay here. BUT, we're open for blessings. So when you have all of this simmering, what do you do?
Put up a Christmas tree. Yep, it's amazing how wonderful it felt to dedicate ourselves to the idea of having Christmas, then worrying about chosing The Man's next job. So we're hanging the lights and settling in. Just when we should be packing up and heading out. Seems strange? Yeah, well it feels good though. Blessings will come and we'll make the right decision. We'll end up where we are meant to be, until then, I'm singing carols and the kids are baking cookies all basking in the glow of those precious white lights from our tree. :) I love Christmas! Amazingly enough, the hives are almost gone, (brought on my slight stressing on my part) I credit the tree. That tree represents the meaning of Christmas to me, yeah we'll be fine.
Duchess announced upon gazing up at our beautiful (if slightly naked on the bottom) tree:
"We'll name him Steve"
Have I mentioned that I'm sick of the movie "Over the Hedge"?
Hoping you get the news you're looking for. We're 12 years from retirement although taking early at 16 is looking nicer and nicer as the years go and we're already thinking about that civilian job that'll have to pay the bills when it's all done.
Posted by Froggylady @ 9:15 AM, December 08, 2006 #
Wow, I totally understand leaving the military - seeing as we just did it. Last week.
We're still not settled -- in many ways -- since we might end up moving to yet another country. But I'm determined, much like you, to celebrate Christmas (just did the tree yesterday -- not bad having only been here a week hey!) and enjoy the blessings we've got. Everything else will fall into place. Even if my husband's next job isn't ideal - it'll pay the bills and he can look for something more suitable in the meantime.
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Hoping you get the news you're looking for. We're 12 years from retirement although taking early at 16 is looking nicer and nicer as the years go and we're already thinking about that civilian job that'll have to pay the bills when it's all done.
Wow, I totally understand leaving the military - seeing as we just did it. Last week.
We're still not settled -- in many ways -- since we might end up moving to yet another country. But I'm determined, much like you, to celebrate Christmas (just did the tree yesterday -- not bad having only been here a week hey!) and enjoy the blessings we've got. Everything else will fall into place. Even if my husband's next job isn't ideal - it'll pay the bills and he can look for something more suitable in the meantime.
Wishing you the best in 2007!