Saturday, December 30, 2006

There are no words...

There are no words for how freaking happy I am. Since the movers come on Tuesday, I had to complete the final "need" list for the new house. Been along time since I've purchased appliances so the prices out there for fridges and laundry stuff is freaking outrageous! So after three weeks of having the "mini nervous breakdown" every time I visited the store (apparently hoping that one of the many stores would have a cheap day).

However, we got blessed! Every once in a while, the sun breaks free from the clouds and shines on a particular spot. This spot today was a local outlet store from Sears. They rock. The Man calls it "scratch and sniff" but it's actually scratch and dent, but we got a new fridge for 25% of the original cost cause of a quarter sized dent in the door. Sweet, I have a magnet the perfect size to hide it! (Warning the major frugal redneck shopper in me is coming out!)

So fridge is now in my garage, under rock and key. Plus, I was the one helping to unload that sucker and let me tell you, I've earned the sore back I am sporting.

On to the washer and dryer, well that ended well too. The thought of purchasing those brand new was about as appealing as having blood flow out of my eyeballs. Soooo, after pursuing the local paper, I found a "too good to be true" listing. Read something like this: "He left me, the three kids and the dog for her. I'm selling it all cheap. Come get them, they are a year old." So I got me some awesome top of the line laundry units for less than the bargain basement cost of brand new with stickers on it from the store. Thank you Mr. Whoever You Are, You sleezy Dog.

The Man is getting big kudos tonight for being the brute strength behind all of the action here in this house today. We salute you "Mr. Man who carries a washer on his back from the truck to the garage cause his helpmate wife was trying to help unload it in her fuzzy pink not sexy houseshoes and slid right out from under said washer."

Next up: Completing the major cleaning and "trashing" of all the crap that we continually move around with us but never use.


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 7:37 PM

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We must be sisters divided at birth or something. I'm such a frugal redneck shopper, finding ALL sorts of bargains in weird and wondermous places.

Don't you love Sears outlet stores?!!! I remember buying an AhMAZING fridge there 15 years ago. It was when they first came out with the kind that has the freezer on the bottom instead of on top and they cost something like a kajillion dollars at the time. I got one for something like 900 dollars instead of 1800 - 50% off just for a scratch on the side! I was so chuffed with it. Then a mere year later I was moving abroad and had to sell it. I sold her for the same money I paid. Heh!

Good going on the washer and dryer too! That's one thing I really miss -- good old big American Washing Machines that can wash a NORMAL load of clothes!

Do it!! Unload allll the things you don't use. Anything that hasn't been used in the last 6 months should be chucked out. I kept telling my husband this when the packers packed us up 5 weeks ago -- but nooooo - he delegated boxes of wire
you heard me - boxes of wire were shipped. So we ended up shipping a small container full of - stuff. That's 26 cubic meters of - uhm - stuff. Probably 90% of it hasn't seen the light of day in - oh - 5 years or more.

But I guess that's what happens when a Scotish-blooded-man-raised-in-Africa marries a girl from Texas who comes from the loins of the most frugal woman on earth.

Happy New Year and I truly hope the moves goes really smoothly for you all.

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:56 AM, December 31, 2006 #

It's disgusting how freaking excited I am about the size of that fridge. I love to cook, hence the 15 lbs that will never leave me. So yeah, I'm drooling over this fridge big time :)

Frugal rules!

I've moved wire before, bob wire. Don't ask! I've also moved 1200 lbs of free weights for four years as well. The Man lifts. Thank God, he sold them and we agreed to get a machine instead.

Posted by Blogger Hope4Grace @ 10:02 PM, December 31, 2006 #

That's so funny. At least the wire we're expecting to arrive in our shipment is just plain old electrical wire. Boxes and boxes of it, mind you. But the husband says it's gonna come in handy. And maybe he's right since our house dates back to 17-hundred something and has dodgy wiring!

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 5:11 AM, January 01, 2007 #
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