Friday, November 03, 2006
The Man is in town...
I can tell that The Man is in the city limits. My instinct to bathe and dress the girls, clean my house to an inch of it's life has set in, and do the ummm "upkeep" every girl should do when the man is enroute home, yep, I gotta shave my legs. So, he's back, although he's on duty so he can't come home till in the morning.Well the Queens in training finally cleaned their rooms today. We all pitched in and helped. Duchess truly has royal tendencies, she hoards treasure. Under her bathroom sink was a half full box of grape juice packs. Guess she needs her own stash. Other items of interest found: three toothbrushes, half a bagel (can't remember the last time we had bagels), four of her sisters cds and about half my jewelry. Yep, she has been busy. Today when I picked her up from school she announced that she was tired of school and just wanted to work with me from now on. :) Think the boss will buy that one?
My house is on the market. I dream about this house. The perfect beautiful house complete with palm trees (no clue how they keep them so nice here). According the to flyer out front (house costs so much, the free flyers are in color and on glossy paper) it has five bedrooms and three bathrooms, a sunroom and an artist acove in back that gets amazing light. Yep, this is the house for me. Slightly out of our price range but I do love this house. Mom, if you're reading this, hurry up and win the lotto! This baby won't last long.
Tomorrow after Princess attends a roller skate party, we are all heading out for an overnight jaunt to a town about 3 hours away in the middle of nowhere. The Man had an interview about a job there and it went well, so we're suppose to scout the area. Dear Lord, did I mention that it is the middle of NOWHERE? Yes, according to the research I've done on the area, there is NO shopping other than Walmart (don't get me wrong, I can do a Walmart but where is the mall?) and it's called the outdoors paradise of the area. NOT me. The Man is so excited, however the girls have announced that they refuse to sleep in a tent. We were assured that there was a hotel for our overnight trip but I'm not betting on it. I DO NOT do tents. This doesn't look good for us girlie girls!
On a more serious note, I received word from an old boss that her son, currently deployed in Iraq, was injured badly last night. Asking prayers! His status is alive but nothing else is known.
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very funny...hoarding food and drink...maybe we sould take notice?
She might be noting the appocolypse!
very funny