Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Beginning in Sight
I have had to learn the hard way not to stress about events I can not control. One such large event is The Man's job hunt (no job equals staying in the military which equals less family time together). I can search for jobs, even apply him for them but I can go no further. This has led to panic at times b/c I'm a huge control freak. Huge! Did I mention that I like to control things? Yeah, I do. Over the years, I've worked to practice a method that every good teacher has taught me, "If you have done what you could, turn it over to God, then stand back and watch his glory!" I can't tell you the number of times I have heard this advice from friends and family. Yet, only a few times have I successfully done this. I got to the point recently where I had to stop stressing and hand God my baggage. Worrying about our family's future has taken it's toll, as work, family and school don't stop. So I loaded it all up and handed it over. The Man and I had a talk about this saturday night and he encouraged me to give it up as we are doing all we can, worry will only undo our potential blessings.
That said, The Man got a call yesterday about an awesome job in a very rural setting (perfect for raising our girls and having a home and land). They are paying to fly him out in this month for a system test. Today brought more good news, a big company he has previously had four interviews with (this place makes you speak to EVERYONE) emailed him flight and rental car information for a trip next month for a final interview. So, in three days we have went from a sluggish, slow job hunt (results wise) to full blown business folks. The Lord provides! It's all yours God!
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My grandmother used to always tell me that worry yields nothing but an ulcer and a headache - and it's offensive to God. It's easier said than done - not to worry - but there IS peace of mind in stepping back and allowing God to put His hand on things. (sigh, now if only I could apply this daily AND stop swearing).