Thursday, August 11, 2011 secret guilty obsession


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 3:14 PM :: (0) comments

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Random Thoughts

So I'm back in full force, laptop all set up and loaded to the brim with music and pictures and school work. Lots of stuff going on around here these days, have no clue where to start so I'll just throw my OCD nature out the window and run with it......... so I present you random thoughts from H4G:

I've quit one job before (not counting one where I forced their hand), and I left with a quiet "I won't work for a jackass, unpatriotic asshole" rather than a blaze of glory. The rest were due to military transfers of the Man I married. I quit the morning of 9/11 when I was told I couldn't leave work to go join my baby who was on lockdown at a military base daycare. The company was later under a RICO from the FBI and State Department for mishandling medicare funds so I didn't feel bad at all. However, I will say this: the next time I quit a job......... I'm baking cookies and icing them to spell out F*** YOU and leaving them on my desk. Recently heard that story and frankly I'm inspired. Lol. However, it'll never be my current job, cause I freaking love it.

Work is going amazingly well. They love me for exactly who I am. A stapler throwing, f-bomb dropping, loud singing hard worker. In fact, last week I got promoted. And a raise, which is a feat itself cause the company only typically gives raises in Jan. Holy smokes, what a blessing! My boss even lined up two extra staplers on my desk, "just in case one isn't enough". :) I really got lucky and I'm so glad I was so picky when it was time to go back to work! I love working in a technical environment where I don't have to dress a "part" or be someone I'm not. I'm blessed peeps.

School starts tomorrow. For me, not the kids. I start my master's program tomorrow and I'm excited. I'm taking one class at a time so it'll be awhile before I"m done but it'll be worth it! Dave starts too and we're in the same class. Ouch. I'm determined to ignore him, lets see how that works out.

The kids start school on the 22nd. They are super excited. Duch is going into 3rd and we decided to leave her in her current school this year rather than the science magnet school. We want her to have at least another year of normal before she moves over. She is flying through with piano lessons and will be starting I believe the french horn as well this fall. Thank goodness for her music teacher, he totally rocks! I'm looking into drawing/painting classes for her as well, since she flat out refuses karate, dance or etc. She's my artisitc one so I'm running with that.

Prin is starting 7th. Junior High. They have dances, can wear makeup (not my kid, lol.... she scoffs at teh idea thank goodness!), and wear ID badges and get treated like teens. Oh yeah, she'll be 13 in Dec so that makes since. She is also loving select softball. We went to Austin this past weekend for her first tournament and it was a blast. Pics coming one day. They played four games in one day and my baby is working on becoming a good catcher. Although she does look like Hannibal Lector in her infield face mask when she plays second. :) The confidence has just grown and sprouted from this kid overnight it seems but I thank God for softball, it's really given her a chance to dig deep and shine. Even if dad and I did have to butt in and make her choose between pitching and catching. It was too much, but she chose catching so here we go. Best part, this year round team's coach sat them down last night and informed them that they had to have a minimum of a B average to play. :) Love it!

Texas life is pretty good. I"m swamped and there are days when I call into a coma after juggling everything but my soul is happy. We have a great new church down the road and I truly feel good about putting down my roots right where I am. Watching my kids blossom is the #1 reason too! I have a house full of happy little girls and their friends often and it takes me back to my mom doing that for me when I was their age. Rare happy childhood memories right there!

This week, I'm going with a friend to a concert on a weeknight. I'm so bad! I feel a little guilty but then I remember that I took the next day off so I can get the babies registered so yeah, guilt gone! Nice to find a little Lynn: other than the wife/mom time.

My parents are happily settled in Tyler, a mere three hours from me. I've seen them more in the past two months than I have in two years. I LOVE IT. My kids want to go to Tyler at the drop of a hat and frankly, I love roadtrips so I plan on doing it alot. Between softball, my folks and my family in Lousisiana, I get alot of road time. :) Just more time for me and my babies to jam out!

So as you can tell, life is neck break speed as usual but it's good.

More to come, Hugs!


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 9:40 PM :: (0) comments

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

I'm Still Here!

I'm apparently extremely rough on my laptops, so since several rows of keys stopped working... I tried babying it through. No dice. And I'm lazy too, that doesn't help. But I got off my duff and ordered a new one. Hello my pretty little friend. All rugged and crap, like the ultimate space aged hard core toughie of laptops. Now once I get everything transferred over I can update like crazy again.

Dave came and went. He's currently driving us both nuts prepping for international travel. Fun! for him, not me.... usual. :(

Kids are wrapping up summer.

We are traveling now every other weekend for tournements. This weekend is hello to Austin Texas. :)

I got a promotion at work, hellur how u durring?

So see, we just be running along at full speed. More soon!


Posted by Hope4Grace @ 9:20 PM :: (0) comments

Recent thoughts!

When a door slams shut, God always pushes a fresh breeze through a window! Just keep swimming, swimmming, swimming.>

Cast of Hope4Grace


Dave/Me, being our usual goofballs selves


Okay, this was last month... happy now?


Princess, my 12 year old queen in training


Duchess, my 8 year old "baby"


Murphy, our little man

I LUV nosy peeps!

My Girls


I Have A Sick Sense of Humor!


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